

what if…?
What was I made for,
if not for my parents?
To be their little girl-
To bring good grades home-
To meet their expectations-
To keep everything together at home-
To let them ALWAYS blame me-
To let them take their anger out on me-
To let them play the victim-
To let them yell at me-
To let them threaten me-
To let them manipulate me-
To let them control my emotions.
If not for them, then for what?

But what if I just don’t want to be yours anymore?
What if I don’t want you to control me?
What if I just want some privacy?
What if I just want to stop acting like mom should do?
What if I just want to run away from here?
What if I just want my food freedom back?
What if I want my will to live back?
What if I just want to be happy again?
© lisann