

From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? Itw is hidden from the eyes of all the living And concealed from the birds of the heavens.

Abaddon (the place of destruction) and Death say, ‘We have [only] heard a report of it with our ears.’ “God understands the way [to wisdom] And He knows its place [for wisdom is with God alone].

Job 28:20‭-‬23 AMP

Wisdom is not acquired randomly. It is not gotten from reading earthly books to the brim. It’s not bought at the roadside. It is from the most high (God).

Thirst for righteous wisdom.
Wisdom and knowledge are two different things. You may know a lot about something, but when it’s time to put your knowledge to work, you become lost.

I could just imagine someone asking how so? Let’s cite an example using what we all know; Smartphone.

A smartphone may seem so easy to use for a budding teenager. He/she has become adept with the manuals and assumes every smartphone is the same. So, they can easily operate each one that falls in their laps. As we know, android and iOS phones are quite different, though it serves the same purpose. This teenager knows the different ways android works, but when it comes to implementation, he/she is clueless. This is where wisdom comes to play. How well he handles the difficulties show how much wisdom he taps.

Wisdom is a vital tool to maximize your virtues as a believer. Your life as a Christian would be tested at every turn. You may have knowledge about what entails, but if you do not have wisdom (knowing what to do at every point), it may look daunting at best.

Situations may seem complex, but wisdom shatters issues at our feet.
Do you know the phrase, ITK is coined because of people who claim to know all things, but actually have nothing meaningful to impact?

That’s how lack of wisdom makes one look and feel like. An empty vessel. To make the most of life on planner earth, we must cultivate the habit to thirst for righteous wisdom.

This wisdom is found in the bosom of Christ. A lot of people actually imagine that if they become Christians, they are automatically a part of the wisdom tree. Eh, it doesn’t work like that.

This scripture is placing emphasis on this. Being a born again, you have a key in your hand. Then, how do you find the lock to open the treasure chest that is placed right in front of your unsuspecting eyes? It is going to God through the altar of prayer. You need to go to the creator of the tree to know how the tree works.

God is no respecter of persons.

-Biblical verse
To be an embodiment of Christ, you need wisdom. Jesus was so full of wisdom. Why? Because he didn’t spend the 40 days in the wilderness, not requesting for the wisdom. It was his right as the son of God, but in other for him to eat of the tree of knowledge.

You too, should do same. Do not belittle wisdom. You may have made mistakes, but wisdom makes you see ways to correct them.

Remember: Only God gives wisdom.