

That look Disappeared
I opened the book and see that in the
story there is a doorway. So I read on
to it an see the path and open the door but when I do I say nothing
I don't have to talk all the time.
Or others don't have to call me out
my name then blame me for being
disregarded by one who does not
see me for my worth. An wants to
disrespect the warrior who has been
through a bunch of stuff every morning with his words. But this morning a new morning so I open
up that door in my mind an think of a way to put tape on the ones mouth
about lies he think that he should
tell. But he don't stop he calls me
out my name. So then me an my
ghostly form disappeared. And left
him and his family's cold hearts alone
because there mindset is all wrong.
About matters in my life and what I
bring to many situations. So I say
as I reappear with a sword who's the
bad word now man. Who wants me
to throw a box at him. As I do a
big lady comes up the walk way an
say she don't know that I don't live
here any more but some man in a truck drove me around here on the
holiday s to get at you to from another place around. So I disappeared to regroup. Then I showed up in a form
they both knew not. Then my sword
waved at them both as I said your
mouths both of you bring me trouble
in the early morning. So I am here in the flesh to solve that problem. So you know what happened then oh not what you thing because the bad ones
never got the chance to get at me.
The man showed up and he had his
suitcase and he opened it and what
flew out made them both disappear.
An then the room was clear but it was a child crying in the area. Cause why? he get removed early in the morning
while others wanted my spirit to be
blamed for things which I know not
so they woke the ghost up and then
had the nerve to call names and then
run from it. Leaving behind one who are not ours but we stood up to help.
Then others want to be bad mouthing
our relatives an us so it's not right and it leaves a super bad taste in my mouth
about it all. But is that not what they
wanted to hurt me the ghostly
memory which is not there for them
to belittle then all their friends and some displaced go out the door. Oh
my thoughts why? do the living act
like this on the holidays. Then I say
even ghost don't like there ways be gone to you all for I can appear at any
time and you don't know if I got my sword or not to handle these
demons in the mouths and body's
of creatures I know not who keep trying to talk to me through there
walls in somebody else's place.
Crazy one my sword can go through
walls to get at you any time. So you
not on alert but me and my horror
are on you like batter on the grill
to make the best pancakes without
your evil waging its tail at me. For
my ghostly form is above the pain
that these in this situation bring to
my resting place. So I haunt you and make your tea in the cup move as you
try to drink it. But hey cannot catch
up to it being lost in your own wrath
Is being lost in this book an not a good situation for characters who
never leave the pages of crime
And come to the door but can't
walk threw.
© mes