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"Come on Michael I'm not lying they made me see something why would I lie about this?" "Elijah...your telling me a demon ghost thing came in your room and made you see things at night?! How gullible do you think I am?" Michael said sounding annoyed. "You were probably just dreaming did you take the wrong medicine yesterday?" "It wasn't a dream, I know it was real this-this thing came in my room and then made me see these things...terrible things." I said calming down a bit. "Whatever just stop talking about this for now we gotta get to school."
"Good morning Michael, morning Elijah." "Good morning professor." Me and Michael said in sink. After school, Elijah and Michael went back home and continued on with there day until...well I'll let you see for yourself.
"Need a nightlight?" Michael teased. "Your hilarious," I said sarcastically. "Oh and if your little demon ghost comes back maybe come get me." Michael teased again. "Goodnight" I said. "Goodnight."
"Ahhhhhh help! help! Michael!" Michael came running. What, why can't I move...and-what is that?! Michael thought to himself. "Michael do something it hurts!" I yelled. "I'm trying I can't move I don't know what to do I'm sorry I didn't belive you!" Michael said starting to cry. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"