

No Big Surprise
No need to try to convince me otherwise or else you'll be wasting your breath!! I know about the family generational curse that I was unconsensually born into. So many innocent people were murdered because of that damn curse but before they lost their lives; they were severely tortured. Neither of them probably knew what was going on or why they were experiencing the crazy, unnatural, and unexplainable shit that was continuously happening to them. I'm sure some even blamed themselves but the truth is; it was never their fault. They didn't do anything wrong. They were just at all of the wrong places at all of the wrong times and was brought into the wrong family. The curse always picks who it wants in every era and I sure wish that I wasn't one of the candidates that were nominated in the current century!! #curse #cursed #fam #cursedfamily #torture #candidate #nomination #generationalcurse #generation #generations
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