

Setting the plot #1 - SPACE ARMADA 2089

It was 2089 . The world was divided and covered with hatred . All religions , caste , gender , etc ., fought for their pwn dignity . Monuments were destroyed , temples perished , history was remade for their own aspirations .

As decades passed , the Nations were forced to start the World War . All of this , due to exhausted resources . Even Nations began fighting for water . The Earth showed no mercy , volcanoes that had gone extinct , erupted , the Antarctic melted and brought the biggest Tsunami the world had ever seen . Countries namely - India , South Africa , SriLanka , Japan , etc., got almost submerged . People migrated to countries like USA , China , Russia , to save themselves from these calamities .

As the world was ending , people , instead of being helpful , became corrupt , to save themselves and complete their desires before they die .

To save the Earth from dying , Scientists put every big effort they could while some people still believed in ancient scriptures and artifacts . So , to save every species from getting extinct , a team of Archeologists headed by Brian Copperfield , went out in the dangerous environment with a situation of war everywhere , to search the Sacred Places of History for Artifacts and Writings as they believed that they could be a key to save the world .

During all of this , someone was keeping an eye on everything down there from the Andromeda Galaxy .

© Chayan Behera