

A Scar
I don’t know what it was? Was it horror, thriller, or mysterious? I can say it was strange and an incident that will remain in my mind like a never erasable spot. I know about its existence but haven’t explored it much. I’m john lopski, a student of psychology. However, even studying psychology, I’m far away from my psychology. Everybody has an unerasable memory, so do I. It was Tuesday afternoon. With a little pinch of wind, there was sunshine. That day was peculiar from morning to dusk. That Tuesday started typically by waking up, having breakfast, and leaving for school. However, at school, the day began with an unexpected thing, which I don’t like even now. I had a fight that day, and it was terrible because I was beaten badly. If you remember, then you know how it feels after beaten up by someone. The boy who kicked my ass became a hero after that fight, and I’m totally his opposite. The worst part of this was, he kicked my ass in front of my crush. Anyway, after that terrible time, I was eager to return home. During my return to home on my bicycle, I was shivering. I stopped my bike near the pine tree, which was my favorite place on my way. Near that tree, no one was there. During rain, the beauty of that spot enhances automatically. But that day, I was not noticing any kind of vision at all, the only thing I was thinking about why I got into that fight. After spending some time there, I heard a heavy voice like soldiers at war. When I looked behind I, saw some persons. They were dressed like soldiers with a rifle in their hands. I was totally in a puzzle; it felt like I time traveled in the past. They all were looking into my eyes with the intention of robbing and killing me. I couldn’t utter a single word because I was totally in a dilemma. At some point, I felt that I’m on the set of some kind of movie. Suddenly the man who was behind
all of them started scolding me. And that time, I was sure that my time has come of heading towards death.
‘What are you doing, kid.’ He said
‘You’re in the wrong place.’
How I was in the wrong place because this place comes into my daily routine. I was just looking continuously at their faces without uttering a word. After some scary silence, I told them that
‘what’s going on here.’ One man from them said, ‘don’t you know.’
‘Nome,’ I muttered.
‘Are you living in your dream or you wanna die,’ He said.
‘It’s a war.’
Now I was sure that I time traveled in the past. But I was like stuck in my place, I was listening and talkin’ a bit but I couldn’t able to move. I felt that they’re going to shoot me. And they completed my wish, they fired a bullet on the hand. And they started runnin’ towards me like hell chasing them from behind, and I was still prosaic. When they crushed me and left, then I felt that everything was fading and me too. It was a feeling of peace, and quite when I was lying on the rough surface. Maybe I fainted out. I remember that it was a feeling before death, perhaps It was an acceptance of death.

To be continued
© Kunal Dubey