

#HappyFriendshipDay #WritcoStoryPrompt54

The school bell rang and a hidden command arranged the students automatically in different rows. This is so special about Missionaries that the students learns sincerity from a tender age. But there is always a speciality about the so called backbenchers and this school is of no exception. Amidst graveyard silence, a loud voice roared in the assembly hall.

“You, last line Class VI, come forward, rest go to your classes” roared the pot bellied teacher, whose belly bulges out surprisingly every time he speaks.
“Advait is gone, this fatso will finish him today,” the students whispered as they toddled.

“Aeh, silence….” The two words were enough for graveyard silence to become dominant once again in the assembly hall.
“You, today you will be on black board with me. Let’s see can you entertain the class the way you entertained them in the assembly”. Advait entered the class and stood near the board bowing his down and taking deep breaths.

“Good Moooorninggg Sir.” The class became lively at the emergence of the bulging fat belly followed by Mr.Bakshi. His firm grip and tight hold on the stick on his left hand proves that a victim is selected.

“Today; Mr. Advait will draw the world map on the black board and the rest will continue class with me. I will provide him everything he needs. He seems to be a painter. I noticed him painting virtual pictures with his fingers in the morning assembly.” Every word Mr. Bakshi spoke, taunted Advait from the inner core but he have no option just have to hear.

“Here is the packet of chalk and pick up anything you want, from the class and here is the Atlas”. As Mr. Bakshi spoke, a neglecting smile became prominent on his face.

Advait silently walked to the first row, dragged a bench and adjusted it at the bottom of one of the two black boards.
“Sir, can I. …..”
Mr. Bakshi cut short the communication in between.
“You can walk on it, dance on it; whatever you do but I want the world map finish by the 2nd period”.

Advait took some chalks on his pocket, one on his left hand and hold the Atlas by the right hand.
“Ummm, lefty…..so our painter is Sachin Tendulkar”. Mr. Bakshi continued neglecting Advait.
As Ajay stood on the bench and took a reverse turn, the class was eerie silent. Amidst dark faces, one inspiring thumb rose up from the last bench. A special thumsup👍 for Advait.
“You, you, backbencher come out, I say……..come out. Why are you not concentrating I the class. Whaaat is your name?” Once again the potbelly roared.
“Arvind, Sir. Sir, you don’t know Advait, he is a… …”
“Shut up, you go and kneel down by his side .So you are the one on whose back the virtual painting was being done”.
Arvind rubbed his eyes boldly and walked towards Advait, raised his thumb 👍once again and knelt down by his side.

How long the class continued the students couldn’t make out as Mr. Bakshi intentionally ordered the Chowkidar to make it late. As there were two big black boards in the wall as a sign of gravity of the school, Advait’s drawing in one of the black boards and occupying it didn’t disturbed the class. Finally the bell rang and holding the stick more tightly, Mr.Bakshi turned around.

“What a great piece of work!!!” he murmured neglecting himself a thousand times internally.

“You two, come here, Arvind…..finish your statement,” Mr. Bakshi spoke in a regretting tone.
Arvind hold his head high as he spoke,
“Sir, Advait is a Humanised Xeroxer; my best friend, I can’t hear a single word against him”. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke.
“I will come in a minute or two”. Mr. Bakshi rushed out of the class. He checked class VI records and found the one whom he canned inhumanly as one of the top three rankers.

Advait drawing mesmerized the entire school staff. The drawing was kept safe with huge sealed polythene till the time Advait made it permanent with his magic paint touch before leaving the school in the coming years.

© Chinmoy