

Company of a Stranger

Every day I wake up with my companion that is solitude. However, today something happens to
my solitude. Today I woke up not with the help of alarm rather with the melodious voice of my
neighbor just like the rest of the day. My day starts with a cup of latte and a verse from my
favorite book ‘Walden by Henry David Thoreau’. It was winter and day was sunny reminds me
of the verse “Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” I decided to
head up to the central park which was the best place to enjoy that kind of sunny and
shiny day. So I followed what’s my heart said.
I captured my favorite place which was situated next to the jasmine tree. Night Blooming
Jasmine. This is woody evergreen shrub is not known for its beauty, but it's an amazing
fragrance, which helps me in enhancing my poetry.
After scratching some words the limits of my poetry ends and I lost myself in finding the right
idea and suddenly someone came and sat down next to me. At first, I didn’t notice because I
was totally into my poetry. The person was looking at my notebook eagerly and somehow it’s
distracted me and then I turned my eyes into that person. I was amazed after seeing her. Now I
can see myself lost not into my poetry but her.
She whispered “Sorry for looking into your notebook without your permission”. After some
time of my awkward silence,
“Not a problem”, I said, surprisingly.
“I’m Merlyn, nice to meet you”, she introduced herself.
“I’m Rob Gordon”, I replied, nervously.
“Rob Gordon….nice name”, she said, merrily.
The sweet sound of her voice vanished the whole melancholy from my life. More then the air I
breathe. I simply long inhale, my name from her lips.
When I was in my teenage days, I always wondered “when will she come? What will be she look
like? How will she be?
I felt that I found the answer to those questions. You all will be wondering how she looked like.
I can describe her in my words.
‘She was beyond beauty. She was so attractive, especially to me.
From her gorgeous eyes to her pretty smile.
And more than all of that, her simplicity.’'
“What do you do?”, she asked.
“I am a poet”, I replied.
“Ah, and I’m a dreamer”, she replied, kiddingly.
“No, really” I replied.
“you’re really a poet”, She asked.
“I’m”, I replied.
“you mean, you do it for a living”, she asked intensely.
“I do”, I answered.
“Wow. You do, I don’t. You’re a poet, now I know it.”, she rhymed, happily.
“Good one”, I appreciated.
“Feel free to steal it”, she said, humorously.
Now I can also add some sense of humor to her personality. I liked her sense of humor. Alfredo
Cano quoted right that “A woman is dangerous when she is armed with beauty and sense of
humor, as she becomes irresistibly addictive.”

To be continued..........