

In the News...
Mattie was an out of work News paper reporter being laid off by Bell Times because of cut backs. The small town newspaper only had 12 reporters including Cliff the owner.
His wife started the paper at the kitchen table with just a type writer and a copy machine. Never being big stories just the town's gossip and a car wreck every now and then on I10 on the out skirts of town.
Mattie never knew that getting fired from a job would be the best thing that could have happened to her. Every morning she would go to The Pirate Hutt to read free news looking for a job reading the want ads.
Lately there always seem to be more strange faces there out of townies hanging at the restaurant. Mattie, will you please do me a favor and go wipe down that back booth for me please Carmen asked, do a good job because it's Friday and Mr.Willis is coming in and that's his booth she said... Hey stick around wait on him for me hes someone you should meet Carmen said.
Carmen own the restaurant and she made everything special no matter what it was.
She was an black lady moved to town to get away from the big city 10 miles and just a 20 minute drive away from Belmont. Mattie was sitting at the counter when in walked a nice looking older man he walked to the counter downed his head Car he said in his way of speaking to Carmen. Not stopping he walked back to his booth and sat down. Carman touched Mattie on the shoulder to get her attention seeing she was staring at Brent. That's him... Mattie asked yeah and take him his order and Mattie be cool...Mattie waited on him keeping his sweet filled as he did some paper work from his brief case. The man got up and walked out leaving a 50 tip on counter and when Mattie went to clean up there was another 50 on her table.
When Mattie saw it she just sat down...
Looking up there at Carmen that's why I wanted you to wait on him to meet him for yourself she said. Who is he she asked...
you're a reporter and you don't know who Brent Willis is. Later that night Mattie could help but think about him. Brent Willis Brent Willis she said over and over again name don't ring a bell she thought. The next morning when she got to the restaurant your costumer is waiting Carmen said nodding her head toward Brent. Good morning can I take your oder she asked him. Looking down at the table she saw cut outs of all the stories that she had written for the Bell Time.
You're Mattie Mathews of the Bell I read your stories everytime I'm here I like your work so much I subscribed to the Bell.
Ms. Mathews you're a very good writer he said handing her his card I'd like to offer you a job but you'll have to be relocated give it some thought he said. Mattie was in awe as she took his order not knowing what to think. Brent spends his weekends here
to get away from the city Carmen said he's the owner of the Jefferson News in Daton.
He's the only son of Brent Jefferson he the outside child by this black woman that everybody suspected but nobody knew.
After Brent Sr. died the paper was left to him
he has 2 half sisters she said. Mattie walked around wiping down booths thinking about his job offer it would be a big step up for her
That afternoon Mattie called the cell number on the card but didn't get an answer so she called the home number. Hello he said Mr Willis this is Mattie Mathews you gave me your card.
I was hoping you'd call Ms Mathews can you come now for an interview here at my home if so you can start Monday he said.
My address is giving her the address. Mattie got a bath and called a cab 1452 Billings Way please she told the driver. It was late Sunday morning and the sun ray's shining through the pines lining his drive way made his place look like something in a dream.
He walked on the porch to meet her, come in Ms Mathews as he pulled open the screen door Mattie walked in to what really was a dream cottage. Can I offer you anything he asked ...just water she said just for moisture to keep her tongue from getting stuck to her teeth as they. They talked and she did some paper work the usual application stuff. I don't know Ms Mathews you might not have to relocate if you don't mind the drive you'll get a company carcharge said. After several hours talking well I'll see you Monday morning Ms Mathews as she left with a smile.