

Pen Your Thoughts!!
It was a bright Sunday morning!🌄

The sky was clear and the birds were flying high with chirping sounds!!🐦🐦

Anu woke up with the beam of sun rays falling on her through the window opening!! She stretched herself and sat near the window beside her study table, looking at the beautiful view of trees and birds!!

"Anu, Anu, ...." she heard a voice!

She looked around, but she found no one!.."

"Hey Anu look here!!"...whispered a voice again!.. Anu turned back again..but there wasn't anyone there!!... She replied," who is it?"?

"Oh!! Anu here"...this time Anu's sight fell on the moving pages on the book!!... It was a new notebook with white pages!

Then she heard "yes!! me ..here!"

Anu exclaimed "What"???book??"

She heard the voice again replying "yeah! you are right"!!

The voice started speaking...

"Hi Anu, I have something to

speak to you!!"

Anu, in a sense of wonder, replied hmmm!! me??..

(she was awestruck to believe that a book was speaking to her)

Then the voice was heard...

"Anu, ...look here ....look at me, don't you feel that I look like a plain jane?.. I feel so empty dear! Why don't you help me out ?"

Anu: hmm...what should I do??

Book: Why don't you pen down your thoughts ?? We both can make great friends!

Anu: my thoughts? ...but...

Book: look dear, I know you are thinking! It's estimated that probably 80,000 thoughts cross your mind in a day!!

Anu: OMG!!...what? but why should I write to them???

Book: hey Anu...listen ..."Among such a huge number...some thoughts are creative,...some are interesting, some are joyous...they bring a smile on your cheeks..while some are sad...that even could make you cry!!..there is a constant traffic of myriad thoughts and emotions flowing through you!!....few of them are sometimes even locked deep inside you... probably they are the ones you treasure!!!"...at instances you could be quite innovative with great ideas and solutions...may it be your math, science ...or the other subjects !!

Anu: That's absolutely true!!..

Book: yess!!..why don't you pen them down? ..let them flow out of you...get creative...

Believe me...you will feel better, lighter..and most of all happier!!

Anu: hmm...I will try...but when should I write?..

Book: Look, my dear friend, I do understand that it's difficult to make time out of your busy routine!!

But the fact is that,

Writing improves your memory and thinking ability!! it's a scientifically proven thing!!...it makes you think efficiently and work smart!!

Writing helps your brain store the information in your hippocampus.... accounting for your long term memory!!

Anu: Oh!! Is it??

Book: Yeah!! Writing for at least ten minutes each day will positively influence your life!!! May it be a diary,..may it be a story, ..or may it be just a scribble of your thoughts!!

You will make a great difference dear!!

Anu: Well, let me try!!...

( Anu took a pen and started writing...)

Book: hey Anu...thank you for helping me out!! Why don't we be good friends??

Anu: Sure my dear friend!!! I really feel lighter and better after penning down my thoughts!!

Book: ...yes!!..when you start feeling lighter, you could illuminate light from within...and finally light up the whole world!!!

Anu: Oh!! Hey, it remembers me of Sir "Martin Luther's" saying ...

" If you want to change the world,

pick up your pen and write"

....our English mam narrated this!!

Book: Wow! That's great my dear!..look your memory has improved!! (giggles)

Anu:(smiles)...Well, I'll never make you feel empty again, dear new friend !!!😊

(Anu picks up her pen and continues........... ................)✍️✍️✍️

And this is the story of Anu and the speaking book!!! Why don't you try making a new friend??...never let your books feel empty!!
© manu