

Tales Of A So-Called-P.A.C.E Girl
Dear Diary,

The wifi is DOWN! NOOOOO!
But it came back up again so yeah! I don't have much today.

November 10, 2018

Dear Diary,

Attempet #3. I'm trying to go to bed early. What's new you may ask? I set an alarm for 11:30. So now I'm supposed to get it. YAY! I might not go to sleep early though... So the alarm did not go off but, I was checking the time regularly so I still knew the time. That's good news but the bad news.....is that......the laptop.... needs a PASSWORD! YUP! You guessed it, passwords!. UGH! And on top of that I don't know the code! I'll tell you more later on. Will the night get ❤️BETTER❤️ OR 🖤 WORSE 🖤!! I also just finished Dork Diaries, so basically the main character, Niki, has a crush on Brandon. At the end they kissed mouth-to-mouth! I was like OMH, NU UH! Anyways that's it, GOOD NIGHT!

November 11, 2018

Dear Diary,
So when I began to write this entry, guess what? I FELL OFF MY CHAIR!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. I'm going to bed bcuz I have school tomorrow 😴. Night!

November 12, 2018

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© @Kacie-Ann McDermot