

Hallucination 😖😖
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital🏥, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. It was dark outside. I was just hoping to get some help, meanwhile I saw an old person🧓 walking outside. He looked at me and gave me a creepy smile. It was a little frightening at this point, but I was atleast relieved to see a person. After few seconds I felt a cold touch over my shoulder and warm breath which was waving my fringes. I could feel it passing through my neck. Somehow I swallowed my fear and turn around😲. It was my ward nurse. She was shaking me lightly and asking something but I was in so shock that I couldn't control myself and hugged her tightly. I was crying with happiness as if I found a hand in the dead end of a valley to help. She took me to my room assuring that I am just having hallucination and gave me sleeping pills to eat. Next morning I was feeling a bit better. As I just stepped out of my room to see my kins, I heard some terrible cries as if someone is weeping for his loved but dead one. This voice always haunts me😖. I was slowly moving towards the crowd just next to my room. There, inside the room😱, I got numbed when I saw the same person who was outside the hospital last night with a creepy smile on me. He was lying there as a corpse. I stepped back immediately and asked the nurse about him - "Who is he? Why is he lying there? Is he alright?". She replied that he was a blind old man who died before two days due to the mistake of an unprofessional doctor. I was in shock hearing all this and had just two questions wandering 🙄around my head - "How could a blind man saw me? 👀And How could I saw a dead person walking?" It was my last day in that hospital as I took discharge. Even today its still a reality in some deep corner of my heart but I just keep telling myself, that night was just my hallucination.... 🤫🤐😖