

Roleplaying and requoting the repetitive....
thoughtless....."fly infested" loads of spoiled bacterial junk that is being blabbered and directed to me like a song or a video stuck in rewind! It's superficial, it's facetious, it's condescending, it doesn't apply, and I don't wanna hear it anymore!!! I'm crossing my fingers that people will realize how ignorant they sound after I respond to all of this. If you look at something from one side and are unwilling to consider the various probabilities or prospects that might be and might not be relevant to a predicament; why even bother opening it for discussion!? Isn't it wiser to not say anything about the things you know nothing about???? Some stuff is beyond science, basic logic, and the laws of nature. I'm not saying people can't have an opinion on a subject that is unknown to them or situations that they are inexperienced with but at the same time; they shouldn't get carried away or treat their opinion as a fact without checking out the mystery that they think is untrue. Inspect first and reply later!!

Their statements are:

● Everybody goes through abuse, bullying, and rejection. You're not the only one!!
My response: Have I ever said I was the only one?? If I did; you can let me know because I don't remember. Those were your words; not mine! It's you who views me as the only one. I am the "fifth wheel" in your eyes and I bet your reason for feeling that way is because you've never met a person that believes in what I believe, you've never met a person that talks about the topics or the issues I discuss, and lastly you've never met a person that has claimed to have experienced what I've dealt with before. Sitting here; listening to you project your thoughts and your emotions on me is offensive. I'm sure you must be very proud of yourself right now. Would you like a trophy or a piece of cake?? You're really doing a "bang up" job trying to make it look as if I think I'm the only one when it's you; not me......And excuse me for getting educational in the conversation!! I'm not a language arts teacher, I'm not a nerd, and I'm not the grammar police; but when you say everybody; you're talking about the entire human race. The word "everybody" is a noun that is plural. Do you have any idea how many humans are alive, breathing, and walking this earth?? There is millions of us and you believe that we all had the same experiences and have the same lifestyle???? That is an impractical and an inaccurate perspective. Not everyone goes through bullying, abuse, or rejection like you said. There are people who have had an exciting, easy, and sheltered life with less problems, less worries, and nothing stressful at all.
I am positive that some of the "happy go lucky" guys and girls might have had to face mistreatment a few times in the past but maybe it wasn't continuous, maybe it may have ended quickly every time it happened, and maybe it didn't mean anything to them because they had a loving family and loving friends who cared about them dearly.... Plus they probably lived in a nice environment around generous decent people that would immediately rescue them, jump to their defense, and comfort them the second any type of abuse started transpiring. Those fortunate blessed individuals were not badly effected by the awful manner in which they were rarely treated because there was more love and hospitality than the opposite and the good overpowered the bad; so stop putting everyone in the same category. You sound ridiculous and you need to shut your "simple minded" ass up. I wasn't born yesterday! You can't just tell me any old thing and expect me to roll with it.

● What makes you think your abuse is different than any other person like you in the world who is dealing with the same kind of abuse as you?
My response: I don't think anything. I only speak what I know and what I can prove!! It's not think! It's know! That's what you should've said. Everything concerning my tragic experiences that I have talked about is a fact. It is something that I personally lived through and have overcame without the support, the affection, and the kindness of anyone else. The type of abuse that was done to me was extramundane, unimaginable, and otherworldly! Words can't even explain the obscurity of it all. There's nothing that can make it seem normal because it's not and it never was or will be!! At some point and at a particular age; everybody has to leave home and go out into the world to start their life and to make a living for themselves!! While they are at work everyday and while they are attending their classes at school everyday; they are going to be around other people and have to interact with other people. In life, you will meet different kinds of males and females. Nobody is going to be exactly alike!! We were naturally designed and created to be different from one another. Every single person does not look the same, act the same, talk the same, have the same personality, or the same set of opinions and beliefs. There is a variety of accents, dialects, attitudes, mentalities, physical appearances, and behaviors!! It does not take a genius to recognize and to understand that all humans are not supposed to resemble or copy each other's identity and characteristics. This isn't rocket science!! It's common sense.
Some of the folks you meet will either like you or dislike you and some of them will either be polite to you or be rude to you! It's a combination of both. During the duration of your lifetime; you are bound to and are destined to come face to face with many social experiences because life in general is filled with tons of adventures and journeys to explore that are pleasant and unpleasant.
You can not look me in the eye and tell me that it was normal for my enemies to have mistreated me in a manner that was extremely indistinguishable and extremely identical to the extent where I myself could not tell the difference between which person was who or what was what. It felt as if I was attacked and harassed by the same person that had somehow mutated themselves into multiple body forms and was playing the role as more than one human being!!! It was like an army of clones or replicas but with different looks and different sounding voices. If they were real human beings; why didn't they each abuse me in a number of ways instead of only one specific way? They would not have done the same exact thing at the same exact time because human beings have their own preferred way of handling, responding, or reacting to things. Their mannerisms were a little too similar! It started to give a rehearsed impression, and what about their weird lack of exhaustion???? Don't you think it's strange for more than one person to keep doing something every minute, every second, and every hour everyday without taking a break or without skipping days?? Human beings have moments when they get tired and lose interest in the things that they always do!! My bullies and my abusers should've reached a point of dissatisfaction and tried to find other ways to spend their time besides hurting me. I am shocked that they never got bored, exhausted, or unamused and decided to change their routine, and finally the last question.... Don't you agree that it is also irregular and exceptional for so many to hate someone, to be mad at someone, and to be against someone for no reason or for reasons that are preposterous and nonsensical; such as accidentally dropping something, accidentally spilling something, accidentally forgetting something, accidentally falling down, accidentally making small minor mistakes, passing gas or sneezing, needing to cancel plans because of a delay, needing to go to the bathroom to urinate or defecate, having wardrobe malfunctions, having health problems, not wearing what other people want me to wear, not knowing how to do something correctly, not knowing the right answer to something, not being who everyone else wanted me to be, not following other people's commands like a slave, and intentionally taking my sweet precious time even though the times when I was being rushed was not an emergency situation that required me to have to rush. They were literally rushing me for nothing. All of these matters are things that us humans can not control! It's normal, it's inevitable, and it's unavoidable. Everybody does those things! A real human being would not have an explosive raging episode toward someone else because of something that they have no power over. Imagine being screamed at, sweared at, blackmailed, threatened, pelted with objects, and badly insulted for things that humans were meant to do and for things that were meant to happen!!!!???? How absurd and idiotic is this? Humans do not spend every waking minute abusing someone or mistreating someone because of pointless harmless "itty-bitty" shit like that, and I don't know why a whole bunch of people would hate someone or try to hurt somone who hasn't done anything to them that would cause or justify their hatred and their malicious actions? Are you fucking kidding me!???? It's not like I killed anyone. Goodness gracious!!

● Why do you rely on "make-believe" supernatural garbage to explain and to get an understanding of what you've went through instead of being the bigger person, moving on with your life, and accepting what happened??? Learn from it and become a better person!!
My response: Explain your definition of a better person!!! Is it someone who quickly assumes that someone else's claims about what they've experienced is a lie without getting the full facts and without going through it for yourself to determine if whether or not it's true?? That's actually what you're doing to me and if this is your idea of a better person; I don't think I wanna be. I would much rather be a person who isn't closed minded or judgemental like you, and for the record; I've already learned what I needed to learn. Class started months ago!! You're late and you're pissed off because you can't rely on the stuff that I at first did not know or use it to harm me and mess with me anymore!!!!!

● There is no such thing as a perfect world. Having problems is the cost of living! You're human like everyone else, so you're going to experience what everyone else experiences. Why do you think that you're too good to have to face anything!???
My response: I'm sorry! I didn’t realize that it costed a person their life in exchange of and for the price of being alive and trying to live like all humans are supposed to do. Apparently I'm not human like everyone else if I can't do a normal typical mandatory thing. Every time I tried to do things as a regular person would; I was supernaturally attacked and almost got murdered. #questions #stupidquestions #questionnaire #nope #no #ask #asking #feedback #answers #replies
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