

Part 6
Chapter 23

The moon glistened over the Pacific Ocean, illuminating the dark, clear and starry sky. The smell of the oceans salt filled Chizuro's nose as he took a deep breath. He and his crew were headed towards the AOA on a yacht. His crew was too large to fit in one yacht, so he picked only five of his finest guards, each with special ops training and killer machine instincts. Edward Ranger and Samuel McColl, former members of the CIA's paramilitary forces, true adversaries in the battlefield. Dmitri Petrovich, former lieutenant of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation or SVR RF for short, one of the most badass soldiers in the world, under the payroll of a madman. Moodley Hassan, a former member of the Mossad intelligence agency. Upon having been part of Israel's intelligence agency, he is a quiet computer freak, information is his baby. And Merylin Stein, she is the mystery of the whole team. A sixteen year old cute blonde with killing skills not even a world class assassin could ever hope to fathom, cold lifeless gaze and a shutdown attitude. Not even Chizuro knows of her past but he was fairly impressed when he saw her killing the man who were about to harm her in an alley. Chizuro may seem careless about his defence but he is a fair believer in the phrase, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" and this applies to Merylin. Keeping her close and making her aware of his plans is his way of keeping her on a leash, he knows who to kill should he be found out.
The yacht was approaching the fog that guarded the island. They each took out a needle and injected themselves with Caution so they can remain sane when breathing it in. They sailed through it, as it cleared, the island was in plain view. A man was standing at the docks, wearing a black winter coat and glasses. It seemed as if he had been waiting for hours.
'You're late.' his voice was low and deep.
'Sorry. It's a habit, I hate waiting. Rather I be waited for.' Chizuro responded with a chuckle as he got off the yacht onto the dock. His team dispersed itself in different positions to guard their boss. Merylin stayed right next to Chizuro.
'So, why did we have to meet all the way here?' Chizuro asked in a straight to business tone.
'Shiro Kamui has Mei Misaki.' The man said.
'So I need you to go abduct her and bring her to me.'
'Couldn't you have taken her the moment she got here? I mean that would have saved all of us the time.' he responded sarcastically.
'It would have aroused suspicion and one thing I can't afford is the whole AOA turning against me. They are all still loyal to that woman.'
'She's dead. We found her body eaten up by wolves in the forest. She's no—' Chizuro was interrupted by the man's laugh.
'Are you trying to fool yourself? You and I both know that Candice Kamui is not one to die from such a simple thing. She's alive and you know it. With her still alive, things will be a tad more difficult more than they already are.'
'I know. So what's your plan? It's not like I can just find Mei Misaki and take her by force. That kid Shiro wouldn't let that happen.' He said as he and Merylin moved towards the edge of the dock, looking towards the ocean and fog.
The man followed with his hands behind him.
'I know. Which is why I'm putting out a broadcast to all organisations and all freelance assassins. A price on Shiro Kamui's head. 100 million for his assassination and the retrieval of Mei Misaki including the simple lie that he killed Candice Kamui, that will surely unravel the AOA. Nowhere they turn would be safe. And no matter how skilled they both are, they are bound to make a blunder and lose Mei.'
Chizuro smiled, headed for his yacht and left with his crew.
'Disrespectful fuck! He didn't respond. No matter. I'm sure he got it.'

Chapter 24

I woke up like usual. A savoury smell was in the air. Got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen. I found my aunt and Mei chatting and laughing at the dinner table. As I came in the room they stopped and stared at me, tension filled the air.
'Sit down Shiro.' My aunt said with a serious gaze. I sat down in my pyjamas. She stood up and fetched my food on the table counter and gave it to me. Bacon, eggs and toasted bread, how nice.
'Thats the last time you'll eat that.' Aunty said as I was about to eat, then continued, 'they put out a broadcast. You're wanted for my assassination and the abduction of Mei. The price on your head is... a 100 million.' My heart skipped a beat and I choked on a piece of toasted bread. 'What!' Mei put her hand on mine, calming me down.
'Go take a shower and head to school. I'll gather all the supplies and meet you there.'
'But why!? Won't that put us in danger!?' She stared at with a look I've seen before.

It was a look I won't forget. She gave me that same look when she sent me to go kill Yuri Kurylenko, the leader of Arvil Empire, a group of mobsters who were running an underground drug ring that ran through Hokkaido and straight to Shanghai. They were the targets of many but none could touch them, except the AOA. Upon being a secret organisation only known by a select few who dabble in the underground, the AOA had an advantage. No one would suspect a hired killer to be a double agent, especially when he had earned the trust of the group and was only a kid. That was me at the age of 14, a simple hired killer that had been sent by his aunt to infiltrate and kill the leader. She gave me that look when she sent me in, I was scared and doubtful. Such a big mission was not in my league of expertise but she gave me that cold look with her head tilted down, her eyes were darker than ever and they were asking,"do you doubt me?" I made it out of that mission with the head of Yuri Kurylenko and the title of Child Reaper.

'I'm sorry.' I said sitting down. Things were taking a very bad turn and I have to protect someone. This is bad! I finished my breakfast and hit the shower. Things are about to get a lot more interesting.