

The Shadow Of Love.
After a hectic day at work, I was completely exhausted. Unlike all my colleagues who pack up in time, I always end up eating the cold food in mess that too after yelling at the mess waiters. I more often used to skip my lunch not because I hated to eat alone with mess-boys cleaning the clutter around, created by so-called most civilized defense organization officials, But to spend that extra half an hour talking to her. That day I bypassed the mess and landed straight on my bed. Took out my phone and found 6 missed calls. "Yeah I was 45 mins late", I thought and dialed her number. To my surprise, nobody answered. Dialed again, no reply. The third time my call was answered.
Hi!!! I started.
No reply.
Haan bolo, she answered.
Ok sorry, yaar I know I'm late. You know na my schedule is.....she stopped me in middle.
What happened, I enquired.
They hospitalized him. She sobbed.
why? Now I was completely soaked in sweat.
High blood pressure. He skipped the medicine in the morning. She replied in a completely exhausted tone.
Don't worry my dear everything will be alright. I assured her.


well, it's the bittersweet truth of our life, in reality, you can neither feel nor share the pain of others. the only thing you can do is encourage them by feigning that you are equally hurt.


After days work, my instrument of happiness failed to function. Rather it multiplied my anxieties.
A brief power nap was the only way left to come out of this state of extreme weariness. I thought and without taking off my uniform and shoes I pulled the blanket over me and tried to flee from reality into dreams.

A carousel of memories started in front of me. Her papa blamed me for his daughters' rude behavior. I standing there my head hanging down.
Memories of the day when her mother told me that I am the only person on earth she hates.

But she was the girl who I can go to any level for. These slurs were trophies of Love. And every father on earth will behave in the same manner. Everyone loves to be respected. I thought to myself and closed my eyes.

My phone beeped and to multiply my worries I found the Boss flashing on the screen. A text message from my boss informing me that I was detailed for night patrolling duty.
Due to the continuous ceasefire violation at the borders, we were detailed once or twice a month to perform night patrolling duties along with army personnel. And the tour of duty was fun but when you are already in a shattered state, having fun is the last thing you want to do. I was left with no option but to force myself to sleep.

Again, I tried to close this chapter of memories, and In an attempt to catch some sleep, I again landed somewhere in my past. I recalled our first date when she was waiting for me at the airport and those shy smiles and tight hugs.


I took out my phone and Dialed her again. After talking with her for an hour or two I Changed into combat fatigues and went on my night duty.
I collected my Pistol 9mm Para, that vintage semi-automatic weapon that gives you the feeling that you are James Bond and nobody is gonna die tonight on your watch. I went on to join my contingent.
During the patrol, the only person who occupied my thoughts was She and her father. He was a very good person, a very good father. Though he despised me He was her father. He was like her best friend, her tutor, and her nurse and for her the best human being alive. His hate for me was justified at all levels, I was in a relationship with his 19-year-old daughter who for him was a kid, yet oblivious of the feeling and meaning of Love.


Lost in my thoughts I found myself alone my whole team was lagging. I decided to cut the road short and ordered my 2nd in command JCO to follow the actual route. I passed through the demolished buildings into the aircraft park then again into buildings where no one was living.

I heard someone whispering.

Goosebumps, I brought my hand to my waist only to make sure my pistol was secured.

"It's the strange feeling that when you own a weapon you feel as if you are the strongest beast on earth."

I kept walking between those abandoned buildings. This time someone giggled.

I unbuttoned the cover of my pistol and pulled it out. Drops of sweat were appearing on my upper lip even in the chill of night. This time I decided to stand still and observe the surroundings meticulously. I felt a shadow passing behind me. I jumped to the nearby wall in the shelter of it I kept my eyes glued on the corner where I felt someone arriving. I pulled back the Slide of his pistol which fed the round in the chamber of my pistol. My weapon was ready waiting for me to pull the trigger. Nobody came out of that corner. I filled my lungs with air and thought to myself maybe it is my tiredness showing me false images. I turned around to look for my way out.

There, just in front of me was a figure. someone dressed In black was standing just in front of me. I went a couple of steps back pointing the muzzle toward him to get a clear view of the figure.

Freeze, I ordered him.

I felt my hands shaking in fear.
I said freeze or I will shoot you. This time I ordered with more stamina.

I pressed the push button of my radio transmitter tucked on my shoulder and called the other party,

"Oscar, This is Alpha patrolling party. I've spotted an intruder near sector 2."

No reply came.

"Oscar This is Alpha."

Now my hands started trembling. I was not able to catch hold of my weapon.
The figure moved forward. Unveiled his face. In the moonlight, it was very hard to see his face. He moved a few more steps and started in his heavy voice.

How are you, my Son?

Stand where you are or I will shoot you, I ordered, knowing that I can not shoot him unless I am not shot upon. This was the standard operating procedure and it sucked.

Giggling, He said: look at yourself, you are shivering. This is how you are going to protect yourself and my daughter.

Down came the pistol.

He continued, You love her very much no? She is yours. But make sure, she is the most valuable possession of mine. I cannot bare to see her eyes moist or her face sad. She is too young to understand things. Give her time to educate herself on worldly affairs. She is a nice girl. she will take good care of you and your family. Promise me you will never let her miss me after marriage. You will give her whatever she asks for.

I was standing there like a statue. Unable to move. My eyes were glued on man who I thought hated me.

Promise me, He demanded.

I lifted my hand and slapped myself to make sure whatever was happening in front of me wasn't a dream.

Promise me, The Man standing in front of me repeated again.

I..I promise. I forced the words out of my mouth.


Suddenly someone called from the back of the building. I turned around and saw my party approaching. I returned again to face him but found nobody there. I looked here n there but couldn't locate anybody.
Meanwhile patrolling party came near me.
"Seems that you were lost sir", one of them asked.
No, I was just....I looked again around the wall. But no one was there.

Screw you boss he makes me work like Donkey. I am very much tired. I was dreaming with my eyes wide open.

Sir this building is haunted. said one among my company men.

Shut-up. I said smiling. we, people, are ghosts for ghosts.
everyone laughed.


Wow! I thought to myself I've just dreamt the most beautiful dream of my life.
I walked back to my room and decided to narrate the dream to my girl in the morning.


07:00 am, 3 missed calls & 1 new massage, Displayed on the screen of my phone.
she has called me thrice.
One text message also.
I opened the massage.
There I turned pale,
I felt the rusted stab slicing my heart.
In a single flush, my eyes squeezed out all the stored tears.

The massage was from her.


© Shafat_Ibne_Ali