

dumb virus read all about it.
The virus spread far and wide, eliminating everything that stood in its way.
Well wouldn't that be a shitty outcome why can't we read about how dumb of a hypochondriac or this gullible social media reads shit for no reason why ya reading that? I don't know I can't see I need to go get my eyes checked out so I can't properly fix this grammar dot dot dot I can read more bullshit then everything you seen they spam the eyes of a sick sick ah fuck were all sick why the fuck you here reading bullshit again oh that's right cause I'm crazy why listen to drama and the nuts out there when you're well on your way to the mental hospital I think I should just tell you how much time you wasted on not going anywhere but by sitting and reading some dumb post of a few authers or just one writer and wow is your neighbor sick no so go back to what you were doing and read something more dumb and stupid I guess I should Tell him to be able to get it done before the end of the month and then that would be great if you could come to my brain and read that over again ok well now that your sick you can see the thought of it will be a great time waster your still really never know how much junk people read these days we'll I hope you send this off to something real quick.