

Chapter 7
"This is so good!!", Naruto said with a mouthful of noodles.
"Slow down. Your going to choke.", I warned him. Now I know how my brother feels when I stuff my face with porkbuns.
"Can't help it. Ramen is the best!!", he exclaimed. "I don't know about that Naruto.", I smirked.
"Oh come on. What can be better than ramen?", he asked. "Porkbuns.", I answered. He tree his empty ramen cup at me and giggled. I grabbed him by his hoodie and kissed him. Naruto kissed back and threw his arms around my neck. He pulled away from me and said "How long is the spell suppose to last exactly?", he asked. I looked into his eyes and said " It is suppose to last a week why?", is he still worried. "You might wanna go to your brother now.", what? The spell is broken.
I grabbed Naruto's hand, ran to the house, and went in. "Itachi!! The spell worn off a little earlier than it should've.", I can hear Itachi running down the stairs. "What....it wore off.", he ran in vampire speed and put some ingredients on the table. " I guess I got the timelimit wrong. It is supose to be only a few days, or two.", he started putting ingredients together. "There now that should last us for the year.", he laughed at himself for messing up the timeline. He looked up and noticed Naruto. "Who is this little brother?", he asked still looking at Naruto. "Oh this is Naruto Uzumaki.", I grabbed hand "He is my boyfriend now...I guess.", he still looked at Naruto. " He looks...a bit like someone I know.", he shakes his head and turns around. "Probably nothing. Anyways am going to get some neices or nethews?", he grabbed some things to cook with. "Brother ...I don't even think it's-", Naruto inturpted and asked " Well..how many do you want?" I looked at him in confusion. "Many!!", Itachi laughed. " Okay.", he smiled. "Naruto we can't adopt many kids.", I told him. " Who says anything about adopting.", he looked at me as if I was crazy." Oh it seems to me your dating a Milos wolf.", Itachi starts chopping bellpeppers. And before I could ask him what a Milos wolf is he said "It is a rare wolf that can make children with a male body.", are they pulling my leg cause how that even be possible? "And no one not even a wolf could figure out how they can do it.", he starts to boil some water.
After a few hours, Itachi was done cooking. The food smelled so good. Sauske handed me a plate of porkbuns. " Just try them.", he kissed me on the cheek. I can feel heat in my cheek. I tooked a bite out of the porkbun. My mouth dropped in surprise as I was done with the bite. I looked at Sauske. " See now what food is the best.", he eats his porkbun. "You said porkbuns. Not your brothers porkbuns.", I pionted out. "Now don't go eating all the porkbuns you two. I want to give some to Mrs. cho. Her husband passed away a day ago. Leaving her alone with five kids.", we nodded. After 20 minutes Sauske was about to grabb a bite until I hit him on the head with a spoon. "Ha ha...well you don't need to ask for my blessing...you already have it.", we all laughed as Sauske's face turn red.
I have to tell master. I ran towards the gate and said the password. After they opened the gate I hurried in the house. "What do you want..Hito?", he walked towards me and looked down at me with his glowing blue eyes.
"Well..well...sir..I-", he interrupted before I could finish. "What is it spill it out.", I strat to shake as he gets even angrier. "I think I found him sir..your..."-, he ran away to his butter." Kiji tell my wife to get ready to leave.", he said. He looks at me with a cold stare. I gulped.

Hey guys so what do you think?
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