

Selfish Love: Chapter 5
Maruqez was surprised to see Ruru, "h-hi Maruqez..i came to..get my clothes.." Ruru said as she pass by, Maruqez just locked the door and puts the key in her pocket then pinned Ruru against the wall. "You're staying with me..and only me!!" Maruqez yelled, then Ruru sadly replies "stop Maruqez..i can't stay with you anymore..it hurts to even just see you right now", Maruqez was shock, her eyes starts tearing up. "Ruru...you cant do this to me..after how much I've helped you..and took care of you..." Her tears started slidding down her face as she says "you cant just leave me like this...i know its all my fault...but please dont do this to me..i beg you", but Ruru refuses and said "i really cant live with someone who always controls me just because they're my Hero...maybe if you stopped hurting me...i would stay..."

Then ruru went to her room and starts picking up some of her clothes and folds them Maruqez just watches, then suddenly she pushed Ruru on the bed and turned her around as she starts going on top of her "M-maruqez?!", Maruqez pulls Ruru's shirt open, most of the bottons fell off, as Ruru tries to get Maruqez off, it just gets worse, her shoulders are showing and her bra are about to be ripped open. "Maruqez! This is why i cant stay with you!! You're forcing me to do those things with you and i dont waaant it! Please stop!!" Ruru yelled, and Yuna heard it, but Yuna decides to wait for Ruru to yell her name. "This is the only way i could keep you with me..you wont stay with me yourself..so i will make you stay with me myself.." Maruqez tried to kiss Ruru as she held Ruru's wrist so she wont move, but Ruru managed to lose Maruqez's grip on one of her
wrist and pushed her away, "stop!! Maruqez! This way wont work! It just gets worse!" Ruru tried to fix her clothes just to see that her bottons are gone, she quickly put on her jacket and tried to run, but the door was locked, when she looked back, Maruqez was walking towards her, "you're mine..." Maruqez said. Ruru tried to run and pass her but Maruqez caught her and closed her mouth. "Shhh...give me a kiss and i will let you go.." Maruqez said while still closing Ruru's mouth. "I guess i should give it to her...to end this quick.." Ruru said to herself, then agreed..so they kissed, Ruru felt miserable, her chest felt heavy and her body got into a little paralysis, "she's terrible...disgusting and selfish..." Ruru said to herself while looking to Maruqez. "You can..go now" Maruqez said sadly.

So Ruru tried not to make her feel bad by just walking out calmly, then when Maruqez closed the door, she quickly ran to Yuna's car crying, Yuna was so shock and hugged to try and calm her down. "Lets just go back now! I cant explain right now!" Ruru said while terribly crying and hugging Yuna tight. "Alright lets go..", Yuna starts to drive to her home. When they reached home, Yuna prepares Hot chocolate since Ruru loves it, Ruru then forgot that her clothe is broken and took off her jacket, she was shock and Yuna accidentally saw her "Whoa!! I didnt see anything!" Yuna shouted "Ahhh! Yes you didnt!! Go go go!" They started panicking and mumbling random words till finally Ruru throw her jacket at Yuna's face. Moments later..Ruru was drinking her hot chocolate while looking away from Yuna, "im really sorry!" Yuna said as she laughs, which makes Ruru's face turn red.
Meanwhile, Maruqez was crying terribly while saying Ruru's name, falls down to the floor and just kept crying. "Its okay..calm down..she's always with me in the class..." Maruqez said to herself, then from there she started to calm down. She started to clean her house and change the way it looked, she hides Ruru's plushies where she wont see them. Then she remembers about wine, she got a little excited "i haven't tried it in a long time..", so she went out to get one.

Meanwhile..Yuna and Ruru slept together, But Ruru couldn't sleep, she was thinking about Maruqez, and her eyes tear up a bit, so she quickly turn around to hug Yuna, she was half sleeping but hugged Ruru back which startled Ruru "i thought she was sleeping alreadyy!!" Ruru said to herself. While Maruqez is getting drunk, still crying and fell asleep on the couch. Then next morning, when they went to school, sadly Yuna goes to another school. Ruru didnt see where Maruqez is, turns out she's absent, and she heard Maruqez's teacher that loved her was worried "If she's gonna be absent, she will always inform us tho...", but Ruru didn't mind it.

She felt happy, she's finally free, she could go outside at break time whenever she wants, she can be friends with anyone else now, then at break time, she was shock to see Zury, so she went to her, Zury was also shock, "Ruru? I've never seen you in this school before! Where were you?!" Zury asked, so Ruru replies awkwardly "w-well...i wasn't allowed to go outside at breaktime or attend at any speech", Zury was shock, so Ruru decided to add "so i just work at her office, i sort things out and clean the room..." then out of nowhere, Zury hugged Ruru tight, "at least now you've finally been saved by Yuna...never go back with Maruqez no matter what.." then Zury decided to look straight into Ruru's eyes as she says "trust me...we were friends long time ago, you see this scar on my face?" The scar was quite huge, from her ear to her cheek. "That's what she did to me when i stayed in her home for just a week, i dont get why she's now gentle..if i were you, i would probably be dead!" Zury accidentally raise her voice as her eyes tears up "so dont go back..dont...", Ruru was so shock, she didnt know what to say, "sorry about it, im fine, i just cant seem to move on, its alright dont worry yourself" Zury said as she smiles.

Meanwhile, Maruqez was just laying on her couch, looking at the ceiling, "i will get you back to me..." Maruqez puts her arm on her eyes as she cries silently "Ruru..im sorry" she then clenched her fist and punches the pillow, she then decides to sit outside where she and Ruru sat before, where she chased Ruru and had fun for the first time. She just bought coffee then the cashier asked her "hey good to see you! Where's your friend ruru??", Maruqez didnt know how to reply, so the cashier was worried, "are you okay?"
"Its just that...she left me", the cashier was shock and accidentally adds.."oh! Are you guys actually more than just friends? Like lovers?", Maruqez started to lose it, she tried to gently put down her cup of coffee and held on tight on the table as she felt very dizzy, so the cashier went out to help Maruqez stay still, "Maruqez?!" Maruqez couldn't hold it and cried again, so the cashier hugged her tight, "im sorry, im fine" Maruqez said as she grab her cup of coffee again and head out to sit on the bench right outside the cashier's shop, so she decided to join Maruqez to comfort her.

"I hope you will be fine soon...here let me get you your favourite bread, eat it with your coffee" the cashier bought Maruqez's favourite bread, crispy and sweet outside, very soft inside with a delicious doughy taste and creamy texture as she chews. "Hehe, strange, most people don't like that doughy taste and creamy texture when they eat it" Cashier said, so Maruqez replied as she smiles "well, everyone has different taste, i love how soft and thick it is, and the texture changes as we chew, perfect with coffee" then she took a sip from her coffee, then a moment of awkward silence, Maruqez broke it and said "Itsuki, why did you have to sit here with me tho, you're working", so Itsuki replied "well, same goes to you, why are you sitting here? You're schooling, im 24, cant afford to go collage so im here starting just a small business and i will see where i will go in the future", Maruqez was quite amazed "wow..i cant wait to finish my school so i could have a proper job, and take care of someone i love" , Itsuki was surprised, Then Maruqez just realized what she said and looked away, drinking her coffee, "im stupiiid" Maruqez said to herself, "well thats really cute, i hope that who ever you love will be grateful for you, loves you back, and nothing will destroy both of you" Itsuki said as she smiles and pats Maruqez's shoulder. Then a costumer came, so Itsuki had to go back, "well, theres a costumer, i have to go back",
"Okay, i will head back home, see ya!"