

My Story, The Romance
I am falling head over heels, toppling over by the experiences of love, somehow, I couldn't understand. The vitality and power that emanates from my romantic journey that would immediately follow. Strong, irresistible, unbendable, knowing better days will come tomorrow. I was innocent about the trending process of love, the range, the movement, and size of a deeper love. Unbeknownst to me, I was walking through the love experience blind. Not knowing how to react or the subtle impact, in front of my eyes. Let me explain, I imagine myself in a beautiful garden where nature spoken with a delicate voice. Overwhelmed with the sounds of songbirds singing. As the winds blew through the gardens, course. I felt waves of her sweet, delicate voice. Convincing me to continue and stay on course. Suddenly, there was an amazing rainbow, with vivid colors posing to show. The spectrum and levels of colors blending together. The end results a masterpiece of pleasures. I would never have known. The garden called Eden is now my home. Celebrating with a familiar dance to. My story, the romance.
© Daniel Mason