

The Joining of Worlds
Setting at home with her sisters she could feel him. He knew she knew it was him. He is not human and can do things to her without having to be there physically. This is what he did, and he didn't stop for he could feel she enjoyed his mental touch. Her words would say one thing but her mind, her heart and her body spoke volumes. He wants her to be his forever mate, but she is still restricted by the human rule of staying with your own species. As the months went by things in the world changed. There were more and more pokemon sightings and strange continents appearing where once there was only ocean. No one seemed to have any answers but Aria knew someone who would.

Aria, Kenzie and Says were at the bus station in they're home town when he appeared before them. His mind connected with Aria's as he asked her, 'Have the humans noticed?' She answered him as he'd asked, 'Yes. They are clueless.' She saw him smirk and she blushed a little. He's so adorable when he does that. 'What of you? Do you understand what is happening?' he asked her, though he knew the answer already. She understood more than she realized, as did her sisters, and it pleased him that she did. The three of them are slowly changing and they know but don't know. He found it interesting. 'Your world and mine are merging.' She knew she was right without him saying anything. It was his smile and the feelings she'd got from him. She also felt that to everyone, that are not Says and Kenzi, thought she and mewtwo were just having a staring contest. This actually amused her. Some of the folks in the crowd were getting scared and trying to get others to attack. Aria turned to them and said aloud, "To attack him would not be the smartest thing in the world to do." she continued by stating, "This is mewtwo and for those who are pokemon fans, or just into it as a kid, will know he is extremely powerful. He is not here for you so shut up and go back to what you all where doing." One of her friends stepped forward and asked, "Are you with that thing?" Aria smiled rather coldly, "He has never once let me down, lied to me nor broken his word. Yet my own kind doesn't know how to be honest about anything. So why shouldn't I?" Mewtwo spoke to her aloud this time, "So you have been considering?" She smiled up at him as she said, "Yes..." The crowd around them had disgusted looks on their faces. It took everything Aria and Kenzi had in them to keep Saya from exploding on them. Mewtwo simply stated for all to hear, "Why are you so worried about what these females are doing or what they think? They are not even your kind. Leave now and mind your own business." Aria turned to him and asked him, 'So we truly are changing?' The feelings she received from him answered her questions and more. That it's going to be more then they could have imagined. That the world was changing and that the way it used to be will be gone. 'Humans will be changing for the better. Though they aren't all that great in my world, they are a far cry better then this world.' She nodded her understanding and he disappeared. Leaving the sisters with a lot to think about.

As more months passed Aria, Kenzi and Saya along with some of their friends, Aria's sisters, her children and many others are now classed as mewtwo pokemon. As a species Aria felt they should not be called mewtwo and neither should her mate. She felt that being called mewtwo made them second to mew but they are far more powerful than mew. However, what they should be called has not been decided yet.

(Dream Encounters Series)
© A.R.Kicinski