

*PART 15*

("Unspoken Feelings and Dance Triumphs:)

After a week, Artav came to school. He was completely fine and got back to practice. Firstly, Seza denied to dance, but later, Artav insisted on her joining. As usual, they started practicing. Within a short span of time, Artav learned all the steps and performed well.
During nighttime, their conversation went beyond the usual limits, and they developed a closer bond. One night, Seza randomly asked Artav about his strange behavior and sudden changes in him. Artav confessed that he had a crush on someone. Seza felt a little disappointed upon hearing this because she was infatuated with Artav. Every night, he used to talk about his crush to Seza, and she thought that his crush might be the reason for his changing behavior. Seza tried to ask for the name of his crush, but he never revealed it, only mentioning that the person was from their school.
Days passed, and their dance program was approaching. They were busy managing the program, and everyone was excited to perform a dance they had practiced for a long time. They had worked hard, and finally, the day arrived. Everyone was fully prepared in traditional attire to perform on stage. The group's name was announced on the microphone, and everyone wished them good luck as they entered the stage. They enjoyed the performance, as did the teachers and students who watched. Their performance was the best among all the other classes, and everyone, including the teachers and other students, praised them.
For Seza's classmates, it was the best and most memorable day of their school life. Even though it was their last program at school, they enjoyed it a lot.
Seza had grown accustomed to Artav's presence, and if he didn't text or chat, she felt his absence keenly. She wanted to make him happy but never showed her true feelings to Artav because she believed he was in love with someone else. Although every girl in their school was fond of Artav, he received proposal letters from admirers daily, which he would hand over to Seza, who would read them and tease him to accept them. Rumors spread all over the campus that they were dating, but in reality, they were just close friends.
Seza was fed up with the rumors, and one night during their conversation, she insisted that Artav reveal his crush's name. He initially refused but assured her that everything would be alright with time. Artav also asked Seza about her opinion on her next relationship, to which she replied that she didn't want a relationship and was content with her life. Artav then asked if she had a crush, and Seza replied, "Maybe or maybe not."
Artav questioned her further, and Seza admitted, "Yes, I have a crush, but it's complicated.".Artav laughed and encouraged her to confess to her crush, but Seza said she was late in confessing, as he was already with someone else. She believed she needed the right time to confess and decided to be patient.
That night, Seza insisted that Artav reveal his crush's name, and after much resistance, he agreed to reveal it the next day, asking Seza to come to school early. He also asked Seza to reveal her crush's name. Seza agreed but had already decided not to tell Artav that he was her crush. Their conversation ended for the night, and both turned off their conversations and went to sleep."