



This is the second attempt to write this book because the first one my phone got hacked and it got eraced right in front of my eyes. It is my intention with this book to raise awareness and to give you facts and speak truth. May you find the truth.
Even though I dishonor myself I will be truthful . And may you find the truth through something familiar to you or something you've heard or something you've seen. The truth shall set you free!

Chapter One

It's a cold windy day on this 8th day of January, 2022 and I'm headed to McDonald's from the place where I camp. Yes,recently ,right before Christmas my boss Craig [wel'l just use his first name] laid me off, uncharacteristically of him!
Another person dear to my heart, my fiance, left me right before Christmas, shortly after I was laid off, never to answer my phone calls, to answer a message or even tell me Merry Christmas, which is really uncharacteristic of her.
When I reach McDonald's ordered coffee, sat down and was enjoying my coffee and a thought came to me:All at once I realize I found the answer to every question I had asked for the last 6 years: Why me? Who is this? What are they up to? Why did my boss treat me that way? I wonder what got in her mind? Who is that? Where are they from? Why did this happen? Why did that happen? Why am I so important? So many questions, and all of a sudden so many answers! It was almost like God wanted me to know before I lost my mind! And with some of the answers came piercing knife wounds to my heart because some of the answers involved people that I really cared about and really loved and couldn't believe that they were a part of this.
I just sat there in bewilderment and shame and anxiety and exasperation! The stalkers had been showing people videos taken in bathrooms in certain motels along the way, Yes, me masturbating! And showing them to loved ones and people that I was acquainted with for the last 6 years. In an instant I was totally ashamed of myself; not so much ashamed as I was embarrassed cuz everyone knows that a grown man, a time or two, has masturbated, especially if you have ED and you can't perform anymore and you feel like less of a man so you try to keep that past going. It's not a perverted thing it's a sentimentality and things that once was. I guess one of my greater aims in this book would be to show what it's like looking from the inside out and then showing you the hate of those who look from the outside in.
About 6 years ago in the little small town of Crowell, Texas, where I grew up, I was in town visiting the graves of those deceased loved-ones and I came in contact with, the county sheriff . . I'll just use his first name and that would be Mike... He told me he had a warrant for my arrest that dated back 21 years so I panicked and went back to East Texas! While there visiting a friend of the family, who was an attorney at the time, I found out that there was a statute of limitations on the charge and my warrant had been dropped and that the sheriff had lied to me. because he didn't want me in Crowell. When I found this out I blasted him on Facebook! Ever since then I have been stalked by these gang stalkers and they are relentless, they are evil,! They use psychological warfare, hack phones and erase thing on them,. They manipulate pictures, and the list could go on and on and on of how ruthless these people are!
Now honestly, I can't rightly say that the sheriff put them on me but the timing sure is coincidental!

Chapter Two

In understanding law enforcement tactics you're only area of nderstanding should be the ethics. Now when I analyze a code of conduct and ethics and a "this is how they're supposed to act" and "this is how they're supposed to be" and "this is the way it should be", I find myself believing in something that's too good to be true. If I'm wrong, and it's a possibility because cops stick with cops and they don't like outside sources though they've been known to hire third party contractors, then I'll apologize to the law enforcement community for my afterthought. If I'm not wrong I would be ashamed to wear a badge or carry an agent card or even call myself remotely related to law enforcement. although we both know there are crooked ones and good ones. A realistic truth is that when a mistake is made by a good cop there are filters that will iron it out, but when a crooked cop makes one it's covered up and never filtered. It's like it never happens. The good cop gets a star by his name for his mistake but the bad cop has no record of his and looks cleaner. Either way, the core of this is to find out exactly who it is and put them in their place. I guess the first two chapters of this book are going to be about how hurt I am and how angry I am and how frustrated and how many times I've been put aside when I go to the police station or the firehouse or try to get a hold of the FBI ,which won't even talk to me. How blatantly they use people's hormes and businesses to do their surveillance. It's not just a bunch of kids that are good with computers and have a lot of money to spend on technolog, it's far more than that. In the next chapter you'll read about some of their tactics and how painful they are to other people and how they use people as a doormats. They may say, "thank you" and they act nice but their hearts are pure evil and they are subhuman! On YouTube you can look up "Gang Stalkers" and watch some of the tears that fall from all the faces of those who are targeted! Before I go any further let me just say my rap sheet is not good but my crimes are petty. I smoke a little dope every once in awhile. I beat my meat every once in a while. I do things that God would not have me do. I admit that and I chose to dishonor myself in this book that you may see the truth. Some of the tactics these people use are greater than any of the crimes I have committed They're a bunch that lives and feedso on nothing but people's souls and minds and hearts and emotions. To see a man beat his meat and label him a pervert versus, Oh, everybody's done that, let's go find some bigger fish to fry", you know where their heart is! God will not allow me to hate these people, as a matter of fact he directs me to pray for them and I'm thinking, so that it reaps burning coals on their heads.

Chapter Three

Here I will give and take on methods used in different circumstances. Sometimes law enforcement personel must do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals. {i.e.]
One of the most fundamental ways to antagonize a man is to get his job from him. If he is prompt and a good worker this can be a little tricky, especially if they think the boss is anti-law. Before I go any further just let me say that when you have a mark on your back they're always going to watch you and believe me I've got a big black X on mine. Part of the reason they probably want me so bad is I've gotten by with so much, not because I'm smarter than they are, I just got lucky!
Another way to cut a man's heart is to get his girl on the side,show her some proof they have on hand and boom, she's gone. Sometimes they'll use one of their informants to talk loud enough to spark the fire they're trying to light under her . If that's not enough theyll work on your friends and acquaintances. I had a preacher out in Ore City, Texas tell me one time ,Ken, God spoke to me and told me that Satan is trying to get you alone and then he's going to steal your soul. That was about 25 years ago and ass each day has gone by since then, I believe it more and more.
I guess if you put the last two paragraphs together, it pretty much affirms what I said about the people that are haunting me being consistent. I can just imagine those homeless people that run around that have serious mental problems and how much more this affects them.
I'm not going into the technology used as a device for gathering evidence,but the mind games, and presupposing, anticipation, research, tactics, liazons, intelligence, and street- theatrics.
Yes, street theatrics!! PSYOPS is a military-originated program that requires Special Operation's task forces to put together a plan against a targeted//or targets to punish or otherwise pursuade.
[ One example of PSYOPS is propaganda, a type of communication or advertisement that aims to influence a targeted group's way of thinking or decision-making. Ultimately, the goal of a propaganda campaign is to compel a population to take action in line with a specific message by introducing influential information. Nov 30, 2021]
Sense their primary focus with me is masturbation, when I get high and try to fade into the woodwork, they are always one step ahead. [When we think we're smarter than they, we begin our downward slide.] I can take a picture of my stalkers and the pic comes out like an evil demon. Or, take a video of them doing Surveilance and it's porn every time. Like they're saying, " OK, you want nasty, wel'l show you nasty. They use to even crawl up while I'm sitting somewhere and rock the car. They whistle outside the window. They can change the scenery around you just enough for you to notice. I've seen them use those drones from a distance, knowing you are watching, and bob them up and down coming at you and it looks like a giant robot walking in your direction. When they say that Meth is evil, they're not puting a bad wrap on it, they are being literal
[Pharmacy is a combination of the Greek term * pharama form IE * bher- (to charm, enchant) and -(a)-ko- resulting in * pharmako- (magic, charm, cure, potion, medicine) and in Latin pharmacie. Chemist's shop is the English version of an American drugstore.]
As surreal as all of this sounds, it is methods of operation, each case being different in severity. A means by which a goal can be achieved within the confounds of budget, safety and necessity!
The slogan for PSYOP:
[Persuade, Change, Influence" (Army) "Never Seen, Always Heard" (Air Force)
This is true to the extent that it's almost magic. It's horrifying, yet mesmerizing to see! These men and women see the real bizzar!
They watch the hidden as the hidden. I said I would give and take. I give them an apology for being me: Lost, confused, stupid, alone, hateful, lying, hustling, swindling, unfaithful, careless,psychotic, embarrassed, scared, angry,restless, addicted, amazed, prompted, tired, old, ridiculous, crazy, ashamed, frustrated, detrimental, dangerous, hopeful and expecting! Some truths will lock you up, but I promised to be truthful so that the reality of this could shine through. But, be careful that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train!

Chapter Four

To ease the obvious anger I have , because this is happening to me, let me wade through the physics in psychological, theological, and analogical demonstration. Since before Wyatt Earp and Batt Masterson and Doc Holliday, man was predominately evil.
[Revelation 13:18
[18]Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.]
Since the fall of Atom we have struggled with humanity versus God! The perpetual laws of God are unstoppable because He is Holy and cannot undo what is done because it doesn't stick to the plan. It's like telling someone you'll do something and then not doing it That someone won't have faith in you anymore. For this reason also, because Holy dictates the perpetual motion of absolute truth. God wants us to know His Word is truth and absolute
A bit of irony for you: From 2014 to 2018 I spent time in Segovia, a private prison north of Loredo, Texas. While incarserated I spent 2 years of it studying Systematic Theology, or study of God and the Bible!
After receiving the equivalent of a BA in this field of study I then spent the last two studying Apologetics, or the defence of one's faith, and a year of Seminary, or Church Traditions. To know God is to be of God and I bragged for the longest about my education and my talent of Bible verses. However, you can't give others advice when you are lost I kidded myself for the longest and now am negotiating the fire.
In scripture several times it warns of your calling to one of the five offices of God: Apostleship, Evangelical, Prophet, Preacher and Teacher. My calling is to teach but I have denied the office for worldly lusts, and am reaping the harvest of that whichb I sowed.
To me, the personality didn't stand out because of the "light in my eyes"! But to those sworn to protect the public, I stood out like a sore thumb. I can just see the expression on an officer's face during the surveilance of someone I visited for drugs when I began to quote the bible! And other embarrassing moments of which I didn't know at the time! This , over time creates my profile. It may not be who I really am in my heart, but what I choose to signify me in my daily comings and goings . Ever wondered why someone quit acknowledging you. This is your number and they have it. It would take at least 1/3 the years I spent wrong for anyone to acknowledge me as right!
God does not want, for me, the things I do and say.
[Jeremiah 29:11
[11]For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.]
To be forthcoming, and careful of myself, I relent to being tormented, as uncomfortable as it is. I cannot help my reactions to, or my words for, but I can reconsile in my mind the reasons why! I cast no stones, though my adversary plays dirty.
One of the most profound street quotes I ever heard was, "Chalk it up to 'the game'! If one gets robbed hanging out at the robbers house.....see! If you get taken for your money in a drug deal, who you gonna call ..the police? While we're busy getting our "skrill " on, the boys behind the lonfscope are profiling us. That's why the other day when I climbed a tree to hang myself, surveilance took occasion to leave Boy was I pissed! They know us better than we know ourselves I know I've been wrong but this beast within me will not slow down, it seems, till he reaches the wall. So please include in my profile that my intent is to do good , but my good has no intent!
[Romans 7:10
[10]And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
Romans 7:11
[11]For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
Romans 7:12
[12]Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Romans 7:13
[13]Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
Romans 7:14
[14]For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
Romans 7:15
[15]For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.]
Now we know!
[1 Corinthians 13:12
[12]For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.]

Chapter Five
Saving Face

Now that my ass is a little sore from sleeping on cold cement for a month, I may have time to pull it together before life eludes me! Weighing in on one of the factors of "degree of peri", I find myself stranded in a dessert with no water in sight. All I can do is start walking! and pray that it's Jesus' footprints in the sand when I reach my destination.
Throughout this whole stalker tenure I hoped for one thing and that was that one of them, just one, would come sit down beside me and tell me that he cared and what I need to do! That would be like Jesus walking you through the bad times!
These guys are for after-the-fact! But, are you beginning to see how just writing this story has made manifest the real purpose for it all! If it starts out stalker and ends up savior, it was conceived in the manner in which it was intended .
I doctored no words, twisted any truths, nor made any new friends. I did, however, demonstrate the elusive way a person's own actions can return to haunt them and give them an insight into how we create our own destinies.
God gave us both, the ability to make a choice and the right to choose.
Can a man be who he really is in a world that is other than. Someone once told me that we are back from our previous lives and must conquer our previous failures lest we do it again and remain in limbo. While I can imagine that fitting to the story, I cannot buy in for the simple fact that a choice is either/or and a life is lived either/or! The ability to choose is powe
In apologetics you see the law of noncontradiction, which dictates that A cannot be both A and B. In other words a person cannot be married and unmarried in the same relationship; however, a person can be married and unmarried in two different relationships. This borders truth from absolute truth.
Why am I out of subject line... I'm not! All this can be applied to the storyline through analytics. (I.E.) Good versus Evil. Man against Men and Women Truth versus a lie. Criminal versus man's law.
The truth or outcome of any pair cannot be dictated by truth, but absolute truth. Or, Criminal versus Man's Law! Is the man a criminal because he broke man's law, or is he a criminal because he broke God's Law by breaking Man's Law?
Another Apologetical Law is Law of Reasoning. Aristotle's argument for reasoning was thus: Did the paint on the chair make it a chair, or did the wood make it a chair? The wood because the paint cannot be wooded.
Another example is this: Objective and Subjective were arguments in St. Augustine's query ... Which was contrary to the other?
Plato...Objective o'er Subjective for the reason of order. Augustine ...Subjective is to giving where Objective is to taking; or, life before death.
In man's world the order is truth in Life and Death; In God's Kingdom it's Death then Life fore a man must be reborn to see the kingdom of Heaven. Absolute truth!
I'm wrong first for disobeying God and wrong accordingly for as a result of breaking God's Law, I am bound by the law of God and man.. Absolute Truth is punishment for truth...Spiritual versus Carnal.
[2 Corinthians 4:18
[18]While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.]
Truth is only temporal where absolute truth is eternal. In the Old Testimate was by the Law; In the New Testimony is for the Law.
Noone is right or wrong in this earthly struggle between good and evil. R.C. Sproul asked, "What is Evil"? "What is" presupposes Evil, making Evil nothing. Evil is nothing.. "Evil is" presupposes nothing which makes nothing nothing !
Therefore, Evil does not exist! Evil is the result of something that goes against God's Law! To err is to live!

Chapter Six

"A Penny For Your Thoughts"! I don't know about you but my thoughts are worth more than a penny! Here lies feasibility. So if I had my questions in proper order about this whole ordeal then what kind of trouble am I in that I could be under investigation, could be answered by the fact of the feasibility. There's a lot of manpower being used and a lot of vehicles and a lot of street theatrics and a lot of time and energy and so what possibly could I have done to gain all this! Intelect tells me that I have done nothing that great or I would have already been arrested in the six years it's been going on. That this sounds like a personal vendetta against me! And you would think if I was guilty of something that I wouldn't be doing drugs and living on the streets in the manner in which I am.

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