

I don't get this a lot (never happened before!)
Quite strange right?
Could be! But what am i? Some philosopher to be pondering on every action?
Come on, i ain't that crazy.
As i used my key and opened the door, then i walked into the house.
Few steps into the parlour, i glanced through the parlour, i quickly noticed that the TV's on!
"That's strange"
Why would the TV be on? (though muted) when no one's at home.
My mum is at work at this very moment~i'm quite sure of that
Her normal routine ~ off to work 8 in the morning, back home 6 in the evening
And at this very moment, it is 3 in the afternoon
"Quite Strange!"
No one ought to be at home at this very moment
"I'm the only child!"
We got no maids.. No manservants... No one!
I hate to be some philosopher here
But what's going on?
"Quite strange!"
Let me think... Maybe i forgot to switch off the TV... Unusual of me but maybe i forgot. No. That's like impossible of me. Come on, switching off the TV is like a routine for me. But i really got to be a little realistic here, shouldn't i?. Out of all, i woke up late today, didn't i?.
So, i rushed out for school; having eaten fast like some star-nosed mole. Haha! Anything not to be late for school.
You know, i have this punctuality award I'm longing for... I just can't afford to waste a single day due to lateness.
It was great that i successfully arrived at school 5 minutes just before 8 in the morning. It felt like a great victory though but it sure was God working behind the scenes.
But despite all of my lateness matter this morning, there's still no way i could have forgotten to switch off the TV. Impossible!
But if i did forget, how come the TV is muted
"Who muted the TV?"
As i walked closer to the TV, i noticed a tea cup and it saucer laid at the edge of the dining table.
"Ah! What am i thinking? My life ain't some mystery. Of course i must have forgetten my tea cup and saucer on the dining table this morning, though, i have no memory of that"
Then while i kept my school bag on the couch, i immediately heard a sudden sound!
I shivered with abrupt fear
You don't watch to miss what happens next

© Daydawn