

Just a Sip
"Just one sip," Martin said. He looks very vulnerable, having that pale complexion.

"Just one." I know this is kinda weird--to let him drink my blood--but I do wanna help him. And this is the best thing that I can do: give him fresh and safe blood to drink.

"Can I make it two or three? Promise, I won't sip beyond that."


"Cross my heart, hope to die."

"Are you kidding me, Mr Vampire? First and foremost, you don't have a heart. Second, you are undead." And I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, I will cherish this day for the rest of my life."

"As you were saying, obviously you're going to cherish it forever, because you're somewhat like immortal."

“You’re right." And he moves his head down into my neck.

One, two, three...

He said, just only three sip to regenerate, but...

"You're too generously, and I wanna thank you for letting me sip more than I asked. And as sign of gratitude...well I think, it would be better if you’ll join me." He murmurs, and afterwards I fell asleep.

As I wake up, everything had changed. I am now belonging to the jungle of thirsty, ugly and pale vampire who drinks yucky blood. I would rather choose to die than to drink blood. I may be looks like them, but not that pretty like.

"Hello, my creation."

"Why the hell did you do that to me? You asshole, an ugly creation of devil," I shouted. Not because he's the one who made me, doesn't mean that I’ll gonna be head over heals on him. Over my undead body!

"You should be glad."

"Are you kidding me, mons--" Before I give him a punch on his ugly dumb face, everything turn into something uncontrollable. Seriously, I am now under his power, what the f*ck, he's really a control freak, having a freak feature. Seriously, I thought vampires do have great looks, but this one is an exemption; he looks like a monster and act like a monster.

Days had passed; why the hell...I can't take this anymore? If it will take that long, I'm gonna efin die. But I don't want to harm people, just for me to survive.

"Try this, just a single sip." Seriously, he wants me to taste that yucky red efin drink. What if the owner of that blood does have STD, did he really wanna make feel me sick?

Before I knew it...he holds my jaw, force my mouth to open and move it up. And with just a blink of an eye, he pours the blood into my mouth. Oh hell, it tastes like heaven.

"Did it taste good?" he asked.

"No. It tastes like heaven."

"Do you want some?"

"No, I want more."

Before I knew it, I got addicted to blood, to the point that I do wanna drink my own blood to satisfy my thirst. But as far as I know, I don't have blood, because I am already a vampire, that's why...yeah I'm efin idiot.

Due to insisting public demand of blood, I hurriedly went to a blood bank to buy dozens of blood pack. I almost sell everything I have, just to support this efin addiction to blood.

He's coming. Well, there no need to ask why he suddenly appears in front of me. Seriously, is he that poor? I thought vampires are rich, but this ugly-freak-monster-creature,I pity him. Is he a beggar? Poor, vampire.

"Hey, my creation, where’s my blood." So bossy and so ugly.

He looks like he really needs fresh blood to drink. I hurriedly went into the fridge and get two packs of blood.

"My creator, here is your drink." I tried to fake a sweet smile, though it's not that easy.

"Fresh blood, it looks like it taste...hmm...delicious." And he drinks the blood up to its last drop. Afterwards, I open the other one, and drink it.

"Does it taste so good?"

"W-What d-did you do-o?" he said before his breath runs out.

Bravo! What a great idea. Well, he had drunk a pack of blood with a mixture of melted silver and garlic juice. From now on, I am as free as a bird--he will never ever dictates me wha...

He had betrayed me or I had given him the wrong blood. Am I the one who had drink the...this can't be happening. Did Mario mix the formula in each of the...

© Mhericon Jean L. Lorenzo