

Uncommon Luck
I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!

"Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Father!", I ululated, tears streaming down my face. I always thought "jumping for joy" was an exaggeration; I leapt for joy all the way home!

Who knew someday, I would win a huge amount of money like that, by sheer mercy and favour. An acquaintance had purchased the ticket in my name, without my knowledge, he even paid. I've never heard of him. When I asked for descriptions or at least a name, the manager couldn't provide any of them. Sure, I have some male acquaintances but most of them are online. I didn't like them in person, don't get me wrong, it's not androphobia. Just a little trauma reaction.

Anyways, as I leapt home - and I mean all the way home - I pondered on the person's identity but soon put it out of my mind. If I knew humans correctly, he would show up soon for his share, probably. I wasn't sure about what Ma would say but I couldn't be too quick to conclude. In the meantime, I quieted down and shoved the cheque deep into my pocket.

In my country, my tribe to be precise, there is a famous saying, "Tíṣu ẹníí bá ta, àá...