

The Spontaneous Adventure of a average, everyday, run-of-the-mill, Down-ta-Earth, Super-cool, Regular O'l Living Legend...

Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do? I mean...
what do you really do when your dreams actually come true?... Do
you run the opposite way or turn and face your destiny head-on?... Do you even see or recogzize those moments when they present themselves? or Do you just go right on living that pathetic excuse for a life... or grab life by the wheel, as they say...it seems to me that the Ultimate Universe, in all its splendor, would only present each human with one or two true opportunities...and even if one is presented this opportunity, and recognizes it, the chances are still slim that one would immerse 100% happy and successful... the world doesn't work like that.
Needless to say, the whole of the situation had quickly morphed into one of my most fondness of memories.

It was about 6:30pm and the slight dinner rush was already exceeding. I had lucky just finished the last of my prep list for the day and everyone else had already gone home. Me cell phone rings and I answer it because it's my good friend Ian Sloan... and we grew up skateboarding together so naturally I welcomed the call.
" Ian- mother-fuckin-Sloan..... what the fuck is going on man?"...
"Dude... you have to get off work like right now... in coming to pick you up!"
"Whoa whoa whoa.... I cant just leave work dude, theres no one else here!"
"Well, dude... I'm on my way right now to go get Verse and he has Eligh with him..."
"Eligh who?...
"Eligh Dude!!... Poltergeist Eligh... Enigma Eligh... Mother Fucking Living Lengends- Eligh!!!"....
"NO-FUCKING-WAY!-, how?... I dont....?"
"no time to explain bro just be ready to leave in about 20 minutes... I'll be right there!"...
"ya dude!-...of course!!-"

-Now, this conversation was was remembered remarkably accurate... minus quite a few more cuss words and excitement!!...
Now, what my audience doesnt know... and what no one will EVER fully grasp... was the level of respect, and admiration and love I even felt for this Artist... I mean, this guy was basically my hero on the underground Hip Hop scene that I had been following since 6th grade when I started skateboarding. Music had always been really important for me and significant in my life, considering that my father is and always was a full time musician. But at that most vital, most crucial moment of transition from completely different levels and genres of inspirational listenings...
Eligh was the Artist that stuck out to me the most!.. his cool, calm, crisp, and intelligent delivery of his stylistic lyrics were lightyears beyond anyone else on the L.A. underground scene at that time.... and to me... there was ABSOLUTELY NO comparison!...

To be Continued...

© CAThomas-