

My Child
Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtually, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act non-virtuously, suffering results.

My child, I want to brief you on some basic things in karma, and I believe that it will widen your understanding to other things that I will tell you.
Karma is justice. It does not reward or punish. It shows no favoritism because we all have to earn all that we receive. Karma doesn't predestine anything. We create our own causes and karma adjusts the effects with perfect balance.
My child, if you want to gain for yourself a very good reputation then, you must act virtuously because whatsoever a man does he reaps. If a man should act virtuously, then, the seed which he planted will result in happiness. If he acts non-virtuously then, suffering results. Always make your ways to be straight, though it may not be perfect but you must strive towards perfecting it. Remember, if karma doesn't catch up, God will pick up the slack.
My child, others may commit all sorts of evil deeds claiming that karma doesn't exist, don't join them because they erroneously maintain that since everything is empty, committing evil isn't wrong. Such persons fall into a hell of endless darkness with no hope of release. Those who are wise hold no such conception. Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can't get away with screwing people over your whole life, karma doesn't care who you are, what goes around comes around. That's how it works, sooner or later the universe you the revenge you deserve. Do not join your friends in their evil act because each individual is solely responsible for his or her own actions, and every action will produce a reaction equal in every way to the suit of the action. If you have ears make proper use of it now. My child, if you go out to hurt others you'll end up broke and alone. Do you know what I love in karma? It bides it's time. You will always have to watch out. It is unforgiving and always payback (Hahahaha). That's why I don't want you to waste time on revenge. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
Some of your friends just pretend to be real before you but behind the scene they are back-bitters but whenever you notice such no need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you're lucky, God will let you watch. No matter how our leaders try to hide their evil deeds they won't escape the law of the universe because wrong done and injustice inflicted is paid back in the same coin. No one has escaped justice of the universe. They might have taken anything out from you forcefully but I tell you do not panic it is just a matter of time.
To the leaders all over the world, the banana which you threw in a Mario kart will disappoint you, because you'll end up slipping on it. My child, you must be very careful in your actions because if they are not good and you'll end up getting bad things. You may be doing evil deeds, yes, no one sees you, but you saw yourself in the silly act, therefore your karma will reward you. Be wise!!! What you resist persists for you.

Humility helps you see the world from a different perspective, where you can change your opinion and flexible about your approach

My child, being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become,but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others. In your educational level, humility becomes the key, education becomes the door and when you open the door you'll see success inside but, you can see it only if you deserve it. Humility is one of the best ways which can lead you to a better life. Conduct your affairs with humility and don't be surprised that you will be loved by those who are acceptable to Christ. I love giving examples with our political leaders because some of them are not well cultured, they think power and money is everything. Study some of their characters then you'll know what I mean.
Check the life of many of the world celebrities you'll see that some of them still lack the spirit of humility, they will soon loose respect. If you are wealthy don't let that money control you, if you do you'll loose many things. If you are a leader do not let your mind be deceived and also remember not to keep bad companies, they will easily quench your thirst for humility. Always seek fir people's opinions whenever you want them to do anything, try and listen to them and conclude with the both opinion if it is good. From humility comes forth wisdom and remember that King Solomon was never a professor, theologina or a philosopher but in his humble state he asked God for wisdom so that he can govern his people. You can have as many certificate as you wish, but if you lack the spirit of humility then know it that you have nothing.
Many people see the leader as the person on top- the one with the perks, the privileges, and the praise. That's a myth. The truth is, leaders are at the bottom of the pyramid. It's the leader who must make the hard decisions that plug the money flow, but he can only do it with the spirit of humility. Humility helps you see the world from a different perspective, where you are able to change your opinion and be flexible about your approach. Humility is one of the condiments of a great life. When you set your ego aside, your mirror breaks and you are able to see the ones around you. You can now focus in a cause of someone that needs your help.
Imagine a country where an ordinary commissioner cannot hold and umbrella and another country where the president holds his own umbrella, real genius is nothing else but the supernatural virtue of humility in the domain of thought. Be humble and never think that you are better than anyone. Let's now look at some ways of practicing humility.
* Spend time listening to others
* Be open to others opinion
* Accept ambiguity
* Review your actions against the language of pride
* Admit your limitations and your ignorance
* Man is overly a judgmental hypocrite " look to your own faults and address yourself kindly"
If our leaders will live a humble life, then, the world will be a better place, for humility:
Conquers every fear
Brings forth happiness and unity
Best silencer
With humility people will have nothing to hold against you. The greatest reward of humility is a city that is yet unseen, a place of eternal youth and of eternal beauty.

Don't compare yourself to anyone. Your unique self is empowered, powerful and unstoppable.
There was this woman who always compared her husband to others, her action for the husband is very very disgusting. My child, do not compare your beginning to someone else's middle, or your middle to someone else's end. Don't compare the start of your second quarter of life to someone else's third quarter. People have what they want and become insatiable because they never compared. Sometimes I'm the higher institution you will see some persons trying to show off their expensive cloth, phone etc, mind your business and never blame yourself because some of them borrowed it. Some persons died while comparing themselves to others
Always remember that your uniqueness is, don't underestimate the beauty of just being you. You must awake the dawn, don't see I wish to be this person because he is rich or super intelligent rather do yourself a favor never to compare yourself to others because comparison swallows your God given gift. In life you must try to manage yourself not minding how suck the world is. You came from a different background,family and the most important is that you have a different story to tell, why then must you compare? Nothing pains a child more, than when you compare that child to others. Some of our political leaders are insatiable because they over compare their lifestyle and everything to others and that is why helping the poor becomes a difficult onus. Comparison, my child, is an act of violence committed to one's self. Don't value yourself worth by others or external things but by appreciating who you are within. And if you must measure your success do it not by what you have gained personally but what you have contributed to wider a benefit.
Always know that comparison is the most poisonous element in the human heart because it destroys ingenuity and robs peace and joy. Focus on your own chapter of life instead of complaining about, comparing ourselves with other people who are enjoying their own chapter of life. If you take the strength of others, and compared it to your weaknesses, how do you think you'd size u? And do you think this would make you feel better?

Every flower blooms at a different Pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it.

My child, nothing pays more than hard-work, you ought not to be lazy, never allow yourself to be fed by others, it is always good to give rather than to receive, but what can you give if you don't work? That is why it is always better to eat from the fruit of your labour. Remember, every flower blooms at a different Pace. Excel at doing what your passion is and only focus on perfecting it. Eventually people will see what you are great at doing, and if you are truly great, success will come chasing after you. A man who cannot work will automatically becone a laughing stock. Lioness never rests until she feeds her cubs, ant works every minute in other to feed themselves. If you are working in any company try to perfect your actions and learn to mind your own business.
When you work always remember to rest. There is no successful story without hard-work. May I motivate you with these words.
* Pray
* Always challenge yourself
* Don't waste your time
* Get a mentor and ask what you can do better
* Try to know the reason why you failed before
Good reputation comes only when you work hard and remember that good reputation is better than expensive cars etc. My child, success comes only when you work hard for it, because a farmer harvests only what he planted, assuming he planted cassava he will harvest cassava not yam. Don't think of becoming what you don't work hard for, even when you are dreaming of it gets to s chapter whereby you begin to see yourself driving a Tundra and you know that in the physical world you don't work hard for it, it is better for you to wake up. Do not be like some of our leaders who work hard only during campaign, then after the election you'll see that some of them are just an expired rice.
My child, the best things in life comes only when you work hard for it. Listen and get this little tips:
* If you are a star, shine in your own unique way
* If you are a moon, rule in a unique manner
* If you are a sun, don't spread too much cancer
*If you are a lightening, make your light to be visible
When you work hard and become great in life, you have to forget about your past and ride on with your present. Be unique

You have not lived today until you've done something for someone who can never repay you.
My child, remember that if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself and the other for helping others. You must not only do good to yourself or to those who helped you but you must try to extend that helping hand to the needy. Charity is blind in the sense that it knows nobody, tribe, religion or color.
Proverbs 19:17 " One who is gracious to poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deeds". When you do good to people disappear immediately and don't wait for applause, for your reward will come right from God not your fellow man. Charity saves from multitude of sin, try to be charitable. Remember, in Isaiah 58:10 "And if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted then your light will rise in the the darkness and your gloom will become like mid-day". Learn to give a helping hand to a helpless hand, whenever you give to the poor the Lord will always multiply your blessings.
The knowledge that you are helping others is hugely empowering and in turn, can make you feel happier and more fulfilled. There is a link between making a donation to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that registers pleasure proving that as the old adage goes, it is better to give than to receive. My child, having the power to improve the lives of others is, to many people a privilege and one that comes with its own sense of obligation. Acting on these powerful feelings of responsibility is a great way to reinforce our own personal values and feel like we're living in a way that is true to our own ethical belief.
Some ways of doing charity:
* Help a stranger
* Give your time
* Donate your unwanted gift
* Donate money
My child, don't look at some pastors, prophets, or priest who are ignorant of charity. The purest act of charity is not when you give a leftover share of what you don't need, it is when you place the needs of those who are unfortunate before you and offer whatever you possess to ease their pain . Make the world an alleluia, make it a better place, keep a smile handy by having a helping hand. Though, people will criticize your actions but never mind them, you must ride on with your good work.

A gardener aids in the production of fruit. That is what the Holy Spirit was sent to do in us, to help us bear good fruit for God.
My child, you must fear God because out of his loving kindness and mercy He created you, He never commanded you to come from anything rather He said " Let us now make man in our own image". He created you for a purpose, He knows your thoughts, He is the one who gives wisdom. Though there are times in our life when we disobey God, but it is done in ignorance of His commands; and there are times when we disobey God, knowing that our behaviour goes against his commands but whenever you fall do not wait to be raised by an enemy, always ask God to pardon you.
Fear Him by obeying his commands so that on the last day the irrevocable sentence will favor you. Always think about a place filled with wailings of people who are condemned forever, a home of suffering and a place of eternal punishment with no return. Never listen to bad advice, though many persons will advice you but it is better to take some of them which you think will serve you well. Those who fear the Lord, never keeps bad company. Many have failed because they don't revere God. If you surround yourself with negative nasty naysayers, then you may not realize it but other people in your life will judge you by people you associate with. If you hang around negative small minded people it makes you look negative and small minded yourself. They are not only negative, they're also great at discouraging and giving you a negative feedback and silly reasons to believe that there is no God.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. You need someone to lift you up to God whenever you fall not someone who will pull you down even when you've fallen. My child, the fear of God helps us from craving into our sinful nature, that is why hearing someone is God-fearing actually makes us trust that person more. To fear God is to desire to live in harmony with his righteous standards and to honor Him in all that you do. Never listen to those who will always say " there is no God". Fear of God encompasses more than simple fear.
My child, if you have decided to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for trials, keep your heart upright and remain resolute, do not be upset in time of adversity. Hold fast to the Lord and do not separate yourself from him, so that you may be successful to the end of your days. Those who are acceptable to God are tested in the furnace of humiliation. Permit the Holy Spirit to live in you, and you'll experience something new.

A good shepherd is not afraid of the storm for himself, but for the herd!
My child, protect those who have being placed under your care, don't let them separate or go astray. Remember how Christ guided His flocks. A true shepherd will establish and maintain boundaries. For the shepherd there is a sheep pen within which only his sheepbmay gather. If you must be a leader in any area of life know it that there are appropriate ethical and moral boundaries that leaders need to establish and maintain for the benefit of those they lead. A good shepherd will always lead by example. It is not a case of " do as I say", they are to be worthy models to follow.
Remember, people follow a good shpherd because he is sincere and trustworthy. True shepherds provide for the needs of those they lead, they do not fire without caring about happens to the people. When it comes to a leadership choice, a person is more important than profit. Today many political leaders prefer profit more than human, they take it that training a dog and selling it is more important than training a human being ( one who is wise can observe this during and after election).
Some qualities of a good shepherd
* Keeps sheep from fighting and hurting each other
* Disciplines and corrects them
* Understands their sheep and what makes them sick
* Always happy if the sheep are well fed.
Good leaders want those who are in their charge to succeed, to grow in competence, and to advance. Their own success is found in the successes of those under their supervision. After all, the growth of an enterprise comes from the growth of those who comprise the. My child, stand up for something and exert a positive influence in others.
Remember that you have conscience, you must examine your motives and pay attention to your relationships with others. Leadership is not about you, it's about those in your care, self-leaders who think only of their own promotion need to get over themselves.
My child, you must learn how to control your ego, never think that you will rule forever. Just drop a very good legacy, then forget about your back-bitters. As a shepherd be a good organizer. A good organizer is someone who is knowledgeable about his/her contract but afraid to admit when he/she don't know the answer, he/she can stay stay cool under pressure and handle stress and conflict. Rise up and inspire others to stand up for themselves as well. A good shepherd who is also a good organizer is sensitive to loyalty, he depends on it to accomplish his goals or the goals others have for him. Any leader who is not able to detect what the people want is an unorganized being and we have many of them.
Remember, when we are fearful and worried all the time, we are living as if we don't believe that we have a strong and able shepherd who is tender hearted toward us, who only leads us to good places, who protects us and lovingly watches over us; and that person is Jesus Christ.