

Wondering Why
Why do people suffer?

Why do things need to happen?

These are some questions that pop up into my mind, maybe you're going to ask me why? Yeah I know you're wondering, but mind you, I do also know that these are the questions that always come out into your mind with the follow up questions why should I? What for? And what if?

Always remember: there is a reason why God let things happen, for now we really don't know the answers yet, but probably in the right time we are able to find it on our own. Another I just wanted to add that life isn't fair all the time, it's needs to be unfair once in a while for us to learn quiet sometimes.

Maybe you're wondering now where the hell I just got those thoughts. I don't know either it just that I'm to wondrous about things had happen on earth, I'm a keen observer or I just wanted to get an answer for all the questions I have in mind.

People don't know...