

Wondering Why
Why do people suffer?

Why do things need to happen?

These are some questions that pop up into my mind, maybe you're going to ask me why? Yeah I know you're wondering, but mind you, I do also know that these are the questions that always come out into your mind with the follow up questions why should I? What for? And what if?

Always remember: there is a reason why God let things happen, for now we really don't know the answers yet, but probably in the right time we are able to find it on our own. Another I just wanted to add that life isn't fair all the time, it's needs to be unfair once in a while for us to learn quiet sometimes.

Maybe you're wondering now where the hell I just got those thoughts. I don't know either it just that I'm to wondrous about things had happen on earth, I'm a keen observer or I just wanted to get an answer for all the questions I have in mind.

People don't know me well, they just thought I do have crazy thoughts about life or everything. They don't take me that's serious that's why I didn't bothered myself anymore to talk to them regarding my views. Yeah I know I am a little bit weird, but this is the real me having an out if this world thoughts, views, ideas about what world should be or what it wanted to be.

I'm not that good when it comes to stating my thoughts, I always got my tongue tied whenever I feel that no one wants to hear my ideas or opinions. That's the reason why I am lacking of self confidence, that's the reason why I always end up talking to my paper and pen to express everything I've wanted to say, 'cause I know they weren't able to complain, that they were too interested to know something from me.

Why does my life be needed to be like this? Why do I need to suffer? Why do I need to experience all of these? Why me? What for? What if? I do really wanna ask him for all of these, but I don't have the courage to speak out. I may look tough but deep inside I am too vulnerable, I am too weak to stand on my own. Do the world wanted everything to be like this for me or I am the one who wanted things to be like this? I want some concrete answer, but I just can't help myself to figure out things arounds me.

Life is full of uncertainties isn't it? While everything about it is just a lie.

How would I find all the answers to the questions I have in mind? Am I able to find it? Am I able to surpass all these challenges or it will pull me down until I can't find the courage to stand.

All the answers we are looking for can't be found that easily, all the wonderings cannot be reveal that fast. But there is an easy way of finding it out -- Just look inside your heart and trust everything in him. Let things happen according to his plan do not question him nor complain just accept it, because at the end of this you're going to find and have what you're looking for not unless you have decided to give up and surrender. Life isn't about fighting or giving up it is all about letting things to happen and wait for everything to drop into it's places.

Trials, Challenges are part of our life it didn't come to pull us down but it wanted us to be lifted up. It didn't want us to step backward but rather to move forward. Life didn't want us to get suffer and do feel like an idiot it just wanted to let us be confident of everything and learn something out of it.

Life is so amazing isn't?

Life is so wonderful have you thought that thing didn't you?

"Whatever life caused you accept it and do not run after it, do not let it follow you. Always remember: do not let life chase you, you must be the one who should chase life."

© Mhericon Jean L. Lorenzo