

True ⭐
Write a story about a time-train. You're standing right in the midst of a railroad track.There are two sides to every story: One that is positive and the other is negative. You have to choose between two sides, but you have no idea which one is which.
okay so let me tell u something today when I got newly admissioned in college I was like very excited to enjoy the new beginning of my life. at that time I'm just thinking about that this time of my life will be joyful and full of new people. But it turned out into a misshappening all of my expectations from myself keeps on breaking totally. actually everything was going smooth and i was happy in my life until a so called friend came into my life. she was a girl who joined tha college late by physical councelling and she and me are from the same hometown but we have met each other for the first time at that day.
Firstly, she behaved like she is my closest friend their is no one better than her as a friend for me. I also gave her so much importance ever I put her even at more priority level then myself. yeah I also thought by her so called sweet talks that she is the best friend of mine and will never ever judge me but the thing is that everything is going like that for almost 4 to 5 months the only problem was that she always stopped me from talking to my other classmates. At that time i was like also not like it but for me also I accept her as my best friend sometimes when I don't listen to her and even replies to some one in class about even a hello she behaved very much rude to me and don't even talked to me for days and at last for me because friendship is important I said sorry to her and even their is no mistake of mine but still I put her at top priority but her behavior towards me never changed and became more worse and worse.

To be continued.......