

Returning to Base
Chapter 1

It was a warm summer Morning in Colorado, when Eric arrived. With just one duffel bag in hand, a Whole new experience of uncertainty laid before him. He had just received the message, a day before, from the family lawyer that mom had passed on. It had being unexpected and a total shock when he received the phone call, yet what came after that, knocked the sunshine out of his day.
"you have to be here within 48 hours Eric" George had said "because your mom left Strict orders that she was to be buried immediately after demise."
"What?" That Eric was in shock, was more than obvious, but George wasn't done with the briefing, so he went on.
"She wanted nothing fancy, and due to her health situations, she wanted to be laid to rest as soon as possible" and before Eric could interrupt, he quickly added "and she wanted her will, to be read immediately after her burial."
Silence deafened the phone lines as Eric was lost for words "Hello Eric, Are you Still There?" George wanted to be sure.
"Wow, have I being gone for so long George, that I didn't even know mom was sick?"
"Mrs. Oswald didn't want to be a burden to you Eric" George replied plainly. "I recommended often that she reached out to you, but she plainly declined. I'm sorry for your loss Eric, but this is just the way she wants it done." George took a long pause to weigh his Next words. "Do you think you can do this last honors for her" he finally said.
Eric understood what he meant, for all of this was after all his fault to begin with. If he hadn't estranged himself from home for so long, All of this wouldn't have happened nor felt so.... So Strange! But with the predicament before him and Myriads of challenges he was faced with, what else could he do? Better still, what choice did he have?

"Hello Eric? Are you still on the line"
"Yes George... How much time do I have left, to make it to the burial?"
"I'm sorry Eric. But by the time you get here, Mrs. Oswald would have being buried. As we speak she is Already being prepared for the burial in about an hour". George informed.
"It was her request Eric..."
"That her only son shouldn't be at his mother's burial? This sounded ridiculous!
"I'm Sorry Eric, but it was her Last Orders. Even I have no say in it".
Confused was an understatement for the way Eric felt in that moment, but from the look of things, he had no choice.

Now walking through town, everything seemed unfamiliarly familiar. A lot had changed since he left. But those were the last things on his mind right Now. He needed to understand what had happened to mother. Something just didn't sit right with him about this. She wasn't given to being sick, besides that, he needed to know what mom had left him, maybe it would be just enough to pay off his debt.

Relieve washed over him at the thought of no one finding out about his debt. For what it's worth, maybe coming to Colorado would prove to be a good get away from all his problem, for some days. Hopefully he could have some time to think things through properly, to see things for what they were; hopefully coming up with a lasting solution for his predicament.

Beads of sweat dazzled his brow, as he heaved a sigh of partial relieve under the hot Colorado sun. The birds happily gave their songs, chirping in joy, as they fluttered about with his every stride. Fresh salty air from the nearby ocean, drifted across his nostrils, as the trees cheered in acknowledgment of the Presence of air.

'This is home!', Eric suddenly thought as he took in a deep breath of fresh air. Were did that thought come from he wondered immediately. He had only two days to spend in the town and there was no way he was going to get allured to it. He had left it for a reason and he wasn't going to return the same way he left....At least, Not yet....

To Be Continued....

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