

Her love his loss part 3
They wouod occasionally call and hang every day but this was all whilst he was grounded, she didn't know the day he was allowed to go out again was going to be her worst nightmare.
He said he would make time for her and wouldn't forget about her when he was allowed out again but he did.
He would become blunt...
He would leave her on delivered for 5hrs at a time...
But she trusted him and thats where she went wrong...
One day she went to see him and it was normal but she stayed out late again and got herself grounded this time, for a day though but that day would be where he screwed up...
One week later she was at the park with her best friend and a boy from there school who knew everyone came to hang with them and he didn't know this girl and the popular boy were dating and he was just spioling everyones business when he said "He was kissing.... The other day" and her and her best friend looked at each other like WTF.
She investigated more by asking what day and he said "Thursday",
Thursday was the day she was grounded...

© Ezz