

A lost little girls smile! chapter two
On the way home from the hospital my Dad stop and got my first puppy and said to me if you both both live for us you will be great for each other. Well momma got home and instead of putting me to bed in my crib momma opened her nightstand drawer and set my pumpkin seat down in it , so I was closer to her so she could here my every sound When I would stop breathing or struggling she instantly would pick m e up and run to the bathroom close the door and turn on the hot water and steam up the bathroom and suction me out then sit there talking to me tell me all about my family and have muxh I'm gonna grow up to be big and healthy.then she would hold me close to her and rock me to sleep singing to me the song there Old Rugged Cross . As I calm for her and drift back to sleep in her arms..
then she would put me to bed next to her bed and crawl back into bed and try to sleep a little more herself . As each day went by I was getting stronger and healthier Then it was time to take me back to the doctors for my follow up exam . the doctor was really shock to see me again. They just praise my momma for the love and dedication she gave to me her tiniest baby . I was gain weight and growing .Getting better another bout of medicine went home with me and an appointment to go back to see them in two weeks .My momma never gave up on me I'm so glad she was my momma. Momma and daddy always took us to church and had faith God would let me live . I eventually got better. My beginning was a fight to live but with the love and trender care from my momma and the rest of my family I'm still here.
© Little Girl Lost 2020