

Everyday having to go to school can put a strain in your heart having to face one teacher knowing very well that whatever comes out of their mouth will make you feel so small. I know you guys think that whatever teachers say it doesn't bother you but think of it this way: A lot of us learners we go through a lot I'm talking about anxiety for tests, family members fighting and our problems but we never bring our stress to school yes some of the learners are going through a lot to a point they can't control they're anger the lash out and start swearing beating teachers I know teachers work is never easy it's stressful but, a learner needs a strong teacher someone who would help him/ her to talk about things without fear, now I know a lot of you won't like what I'm going to say right now but listen up; teachers need to look at what they're saying to learners you might say something and you think it is a joke but that learner will take it whole heartily and it'll kill him/her. A lot of things you say turn to demotivate learners and other learners they kill themselves because of it. Teachers you need to say something nice to your learners for them to be motivated see if a child fail don't say you're a fool say you'll get it next time I mean seriously why would you call a child that failed a fool that's wrong! when a learner is struggling don't say you are a hooligan help him or her to understand yes, learners might not tell you what is their problem but you as a teacher you need to keep your learners spirit up not lower it down to the ground as a teacher you need to motivate your learners even if you feel like they don't understand. A learner needs love from a teacher not horrible words that will make her/him feel small and kill themselves no! what is a role of a teacher to a learner?
Motivation is what we need in life!
xoxo❤ Amo the emotional young writer