

I am a girl
I am a girl.
an American girl.
I grew up in Nepal and India.
Asia was and is my home, me and my family loved travelling, we would travel all through India, Ladakh, darjeeling, south India, arunachal pradesh , himachal pradesh, south India delhi, India was a second home to me and my family, we would spend months travelling in India and then go back to our house in Nepal.
one thing that struck me which I really did not like in India, was that boys are much more important then girls, family's would be so happy if they had a boy, one thing that they did not realize, or maybe they did but ignored it, was that each sex is equally important there is no such thing as boys are more important then girls, if there were no girls no babys, if there were no girls who would cook and clean, if there were no girls who would support the husband and million s of other things, what men dont realize or are only now starting to realize is women are more powerful then men in body mind and spirit!
women should not be put down in such a way, I remember while travelling in India, every one would coddle my brother and my cute blue eyed blond haired sister , for some reason in India they loved blue eyes white skin and blond hair, I would stand by, me being a gorgeous brown haired girl I would stand by watching my brother and sister being giving candys to and being petted and I remember tears just would fill my eyes, do these people have no heart?
I would think.
I think that people should be more generous to women and girls in India.