Immune System
Immune System What does it mean?
1. Resistant to a particular infection or toxin.
2. Resistance to something or someone.
3. Protect from the effects of something.
Now I'm sure you have all heard this nursery rhyme before, or maybe you haven't in this politically correct world we live in. It may be too hardcore for some.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me.
Started back in the Stone Age for children as a defence against name-calling and verbal bullying, intended to increase resiliency.
Yes even back then kids would sneak down to the community rock and write or draw nasty things about other kids.
What happened! nothing they survived grew older, man then clubbed woman over the head, to be his wife, had kids and the cycle continued, reading to their kids the nursery rhyme, that their parents read to them, that got them, through their emotions, in a difficult time.
Let's not forget the people doing the bullying parents read the same nursery rhyme to them, which they used for evil.
Up until now, that method with its flaws was part of growing up.
Until now, this same nursery rhyme from the Stone Age has been deemed politically incorrect.
It doesn't end there, they have also deemed politically incorrect that helped kids growing up in the...