

The North Evergreens: 2
Evie slammed the door and ran to the bus station. Along the path out to the neighborhood, out onto the road on Fillin St. and ahead for a mile.
"Ahf, late af alwayf." - said the bus driver, Fesser - "I knew I foud wait for you, fince I know how you want to gef fo fe Norf Evergeenf. Hop in. Your company is on the back row, as always".
"Thanks, Mr. Fesser!" - Evie said and went to the back row of seats.
On her way she saw someone put out their leg in front of her so she would trip. She stepped over it.
"Same trick every summer, Cedric?" - Evie whispered to the person who did it - "I have memory, so think of something new." - then she added - "Oh, I forgot, your brain doesn't know what 'think' means"
"Well then" - said Cedric with blonde hair and light blue eyes - "Who would've thought, I just remembered that you, last year, had failed your exam on a 'F'. You never did, though.
And I did pass it.
I don't know, who doesn't think and who does"
"Well, who would've thought, you always failed it, and that time you got it because you asked the smartest girl in class to tell you all the answers"
"And now you admit that you're not the smartest one in class" - Cedric answered, smiling - "And, watch out".
Evie turned around, angrily, and tripped.
"I told you to watch out" - Cedric laughed.
His friend made Evie fall down and everyone around Cedric laughed at her. Evie went to the back of the bus, not looking at anyone, and sat next to Anya, near the window.

© Evergreen YT