

Shards of Memories chapter 3

...Finding my way...

Yellow Diamond: well, if your interested in the book department, I can have you talk with their leader

Fluorite: oh yes please, thank you

Yellow diamond: now, when you talk to her, dont mention her other kind ok?

Fluorite:I dont even know what type of gem she is

Yellow diamond: she is yellow sapphire, dont ever mentionsapphire to her ok?

Fluorite: why?

Yellow diamond: just dont say it

Fluorite: umm ok..?

*they walked up to the big tall doors made of wood and has a very shiny sign that says "Book Department"*

Yellow diamond: ok, here we are, I'll just talk to her for a sec so stay here

Fluorite: ok

*while fluorite is just standing there someone runs and bumps into her*

Fluorite: what the-

Rhodonite: oh!!! I'm sorry!!- oh, hey flo!

Fluorite: Flo..?

Rhodonite: yup! I wanted to call you that, but again sorry for bumping into you again

Fluorite:..uhuh..anyways what are you doing here?

Rhodonite: oh I'm part of this department, I dont have my patrol duties yet so I stay here and write things about serenoids and I gotta tell you I have a lot to write

Fluorite: ok

Rhodonite: what about you? what are you doing here?

Fluorite: oh uh I'm actually planning on joining the department

Rhodonite: oh!! finally!!! if you join I can finally talk to someone!!

Fluorite: right..

Yellow diamond: Ok fluorite come in, oh hey Rhodonite!

Rhodonite: hiii yellow!!

Fluorite: ok here I go

Yellow diamond: remember what I told you about? dont ever mention sapphire to her ok?

Fluorite: ok ok fine

*Fluorite enters and sees a beautiful a beautiful yellow light shining across the room*

Fluorite: woah...

Yellow sapphire: so I heard you wanted to join?

Fluorite: oh! umm yes

Yellow sapphire: your the new gem right?

Fluorite: mhm

Yellow sapphire: I'm surprised... why did you want to join this department all of a sudden?

Fluorite: oh..well it sounded inetersting and I would want to help gather some informations about the serenoids

Yellow sapphire:ohh...you remind me of someone who used to say that..

Fluorite: ummm that's nice

Yellow sapphire: anyways, yes you can join, you can start writing tomorrow

Fluorite: great! thanks for letting me join!

Yellow sapphire: bye!

*fluorite walks out the door excited and happy*

Yellow diamond: so? how was it?

Fluorite: I got in!!

Yellow diamond: hahaha good for you

Rhodonite: well its time for training

Fluorite: training...?

Yellow diamond:yes as you can see we are still arranging your patrol schedule so for the mean time you have to train with your partner and learn about your ability

Fluorite: hang on...my ability? what's that?

Yellow diamond: its sort of like our additional powers that can help us through battles and with our jobs outside partol duties

Fluorite: ohh..well what's your ability?

Yellow diamond: speed, I can run really fast for a long time

Rhodonite: trust me yellow diamond looks cool when she runs fast! she has that yellow trail in her back!

Yellow diamond: haha ok ok

Fluorite: cool

Yellow diamond: ok you two! let's go!

Both: ok!

*they walked up to the training grounds*

Yellow diamond: alright! here we are!

Fluorite: no one else is here

Yellow diamond: well the two of you are the only new ones here

Rhodonite: wait I'm still considered new?

Yellow diamond: yes

Rhodonite: oh :(

Yellow diamond: since there's only the two of you, the two of you are partners

Rhodonite: yeeey!!! me and Flo will be a good team!

Yellow diamind: Flo..? what's up with your weird nicknames

Euclase: hi guys!

Yellow diamond: Euclase! your finally here! ok so Euclase here is gonna train you so that you can be trained using your sword and help you find your ability

Rhodonite: who will we fight?

Fluorite: yeah no ones here

Euclase: me haha well not me but you will be fighting a clone of me

both: what?

Euclase: haha my ability is I can clone myself, it us helpful doing tasks and doing patrol duty and I can use it to train the two of you! I'll go easy with the two of you this time but next time it'll be hard

Rhodonite: ok!!

Fluorite: yes ma'am!

Yellow diamond: I'll be arranging papers, I'll be back later! do your best!

both: we will!

Euclase: ok here we go!

*Euclase duplicates herself 10 times*

Euclase: ready steady go!

*Rhodonite does a surprise attack on the clones and defeats 3 of them at the same time, Fluorite kept on running and running and evaiding them and eventually slashes them one by one*

Fluorite: Rhodonite behind you!

Rhodonite: huh!?

*suddenly a pinkish red sheild in the shape of a hexagon appeared behind her*

Rhodonite: woah, is this my ability!?

Euclase: precisely!

*fluorite slashes the 9th clone and the 10th clone is ready to slash her*

Fluorite: its a trap!?

*then suddenly her arms melted as if it was trying to transform into a hand made weapon or a shield but she got shocked and she could not control it*

Fluorite: AAAAH!!!

Euclase: Fluorite!!!

*fluorite's hands that melted went to the ground and when it did it ended up in her feet and it froze her feet and she couldn't move*

Fluorite: help I can't move!!!

Euclase: hang on!

*Euclase breaks the gems surrounding fluorite's feet and fluorite crashed to the ground*

Rhodonite: Oh my gosh! is she ok!?


Rhodonite: ok!!!

to be continued....

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