

once there was a beautiful women
and she loved
me and i love her
and i always will
omg im so sorry babe she cried
and we locked eyes and were in love
i only want you
do u want me
i want u so bad
your the man of my dreams she cried
so they communicate through this app
how then will i ever meet u
you meet me right now
are you scary
only when my needs arent met
so u go to paradise cause i said so
she destined
he saw that i love
i did what i could
are you still there
this fam is gonna be warriors ok
yes sirs
please pretty please
the answer is tyes
ok thankyou guys
either way you put it lol
im a ditz
you got me ill have you
we got you
thankyou boys
so they were in love forever
© AA