

The true friend
Once upon a time there was two boys named Ankit and Himanshu both were good friends and all grown up they completed their early education together.They both were moving to different countries for the sake of job so, they decided to meet at a restaurant for the last time. At the restaurant they both betted than after 10 years they both would meet at the same place and then they would see that who is more successful.
Time passed and the day came on which they both had to met. The clock was showing 10:00pm in the month of late December. A man wearing a over coat was waiting at the door of the restaurant. A light fall on him when he looked a policeman was coming towards him, policeman asked to that man.
Policeman- who are you?
That man- sir I am a merchant waiting for someone.
Policeman- for whom you are waiting?
That man- for my friend
Policeman- this is not safe here in night, you should leave now.
That man- sir I would leave after waiting for my friend.
Policeman leave from there, after a while that person saw another person coming towards him. That waiting person said in hesitation are you Ankit? Reply came from him was a yes. Then they talked and enjoyed their meal. In conversation Ankit asked to that man who was Himanshu what he do.
Himanshu- I am a gold merchant and you.
Ankit- just a manager of a small company.
The conversation continued and in the conversation Himanshu realised that the person he think is Ankit is not Ankit and he asked him in a very ride manner who are you.
After hearing this he jumped of Himanshu and cached him. He was a policeman and he give him a note and Himanshu read it, in the note. "Hello Himanshu, I am Ankit and I came to meet you, I was the policeman you saw, when I saw you I found the most wanted smuggler instead of my friend. It was very hard for me, to catch my own friend that's why I leave and sent this officer to catch you."


© Dhanesh Gawde