

Midnight-Season 2 ♡Part One♡
The 2 men walked into the portal. Midnight watched them walk into the portal, but she didn't know where this portal lead. She had overheard them talking about how Lucifer was an impatient man.
On the other side of that portal was the underworld. And Midnight didn't know this because Dawn and her brothers had never told her that Dawn had the power to open the gates to Hell.
"Sir, we have arrived and are your loyal servants...."
They both bowed down to a man that had devil horns, wings, and a spiked tail. He was sitting on what seemed to be a throne made of nothing but fire, and yet it was holding him up. Because anything is possible in Hell.
A few hours later the 2 men returned back through the portal bleeding and bruised. They then returned Dawn's soul to Midnight and then took her home and vanished. Midnight thought she would never have to see these people again if she could avoid being suspicious or mysterious.
And she never did see these men in the cloaks again...Until one faithful day...