

spiralation coincidence
I stood at the bottom of what seemed to be a very old spiral ated stair case. I looked up, it seemed to go on forever I could not see any exit behind me. i was stuck. My only option was to go up the spiralated stair case until I reached the to. I placed one foot in front of another as my shoes made a clamping sound when they hit the dark wooden stair while it echoed through out the empty hall. The tower looked as it had been build in world war two as it had gun pellet Mark's imprinted on he walls with the tiniest cracks around them leaving the thinnest shadow beneath them. I stopped on the 11th step as I saw a window of which I looked out of, the veiw was amazing but I wondered how I had got up so high I was only on my eleventh step. the twelfth step was most surely going to be my last as I fell, missing a step, but i felt alright far far down into a pit of emptiness. I blacked out. as I woke up I saw I was not in the pit of darkness though I was in my own room. i climbed up from behind the bed and jumped at what seemed to be me sleeping. it was all a dream. i had to wake up soon. suddenly i was telleported out of my room to where I was fallin from the sky into a pit of lava. it hurt so bad but I wasn't seemingly doing anything, just sat there sinking. suddenly I woke up with an excruciating pain in my right arm.
must be a coincidence.
© Poet146