

New years night 2021

It's new years night and I'm in my camper on my bed. I drank most the day, and I drank most the night after work on new years eve last night. Spend the night and day with timmy,and jimmy. Met a dude named larry we talk so who knows what may come of it. He said he's very attracted to me. I sent him some of my writing work that I've been working on. I'm most definitely going to publish all my writings in a book soon. Including this one about new years day and new years eve. But the beer made me feel better. Bud light and fire ball was good and a decent company was what I needed. Timmy and jimmy and I drinking playing black jack is good quality spending time and hanging out. With the radio on or music playing on you tube singing or humming alone... I only won 3 hands at the black jack game but it's good clean game. It's the new year now and I know it's going to be better. I know things will get better with time as long as I work,pay bills get on my feet, meet new people do good and continue to do the right thing. I've done the right thing my whole life and even if it is hard sometimes. I'm an honest, good natured,good person.i am gourgus person. I'm not ugly just blount and honest. I guess it's time for me to make a new years resolution. Right now I'm in the camper with the radio on thinking about purchasing a car on the 15 the of this month. 1/1/21 new years resolution. Buy a car. Keep job the entire year. Write a list of what I need and then a list of what I want. And compare them, continue to read, continue to make gratitude list, and continue to slow down; notice the small things; and he grateful for them, go over the question ; what doo u want out of life; and go over exactly what does that question mean, and answer the question, continue to write, continue to walk, do things that are self care from my self care list, continue to take my medication, continue living life and enjoying the small things and noticing them, get camper paid on, pay bills and rent, get to n a better position in life get back on my feet. Finnish my book hopefully by Septemberto publish close to my birthday or on my birthday. Guess it's time to lay down. New years day will be over when I wake up. But it's most def the beginning of a new year. end of writing or poem by jennifer riggs