

Excerpts From An Immortal's Diary
"I miss my mortality, nothing I can say would ring truer to me than this, even if I were to try and kill myself I'd just regenerate"

"Few have gained this affliction, what is clear from both my introspection and observations is that this accursed thing known as immortality is only suitable for that of martyrs and tyrants."

"Life unending is a great teacher, looking back it would seem mortality and having an understanding of it and the limitations it places on your potential makes learning to avoid self-improvement a source of comfort for mortals. Our potential for greatness can be rather intimidating when understood along side an understanding for one's own mortality."

"Ironic how immortality started out as empowering me to improve myself and my circumstances and then ultimately lead me to feel like my life had no meaning while the opposite to that was present when I was mortal. It would very much so be the case that mortality brings meaning to life, and yet it is often equally true that the limits of our mortality places a significant level of hindrance on our progression as individuals."

"As time goes by, it eats at you to the point where you can not ignore it, the world does not revolve around you and even if you were to acquire the power to make it revolve around you, so long as you have a heart disatisfaction is guarenteed and so you only gain an understanding for why the world should not revolve around any individual."

"As your understanding of the world not revolving around you grows in true, so too does your capacity for anger get reduced until you lose it all together. It turns out, anger is just how people lash out at not being able to accept it when the reality hits them that the world does not revolve around how they believe and percieve themselves and others to deserve. Of course, jealousy is also lost along side anger."

"All immortals eventually become stoic sages of a sort, though some are sealed away in ice for their crimes before that can occur so I suppose it is debatable."

"The coming and going of loved ones takes a toll on you, eventually your desire to sleep and just dream something sweet grows.... at that rate, it doesn't matter if you were an aware dreamer when you were mortal or not, you will lose that ability as a psychological safety adaptation and once again become unaware of when you are asleep and dreaming. Though there are the few that fail to lose that ability to be aware when they are dreaming and those few generally end up going insane and sometimes end up needing to be frozen."

"There really is nothing to do with immortality that would keep you from eventually wanting to improve yourself significantly, as such immortals of at least 350 years of age are expected to either be psychologically unhinged or skilled and very well accomplished, or a mixture of the two."

"The lonliness that comes from having so much time to improve one's self is a consuming despair, once you improve yourself so far, others lose their ability to relate to you. People will often either distance themselves from you, smother you with unwanted attention, or simply fail to treat you like a human being due to their envy of you or how intimidated by your progress they are. Being immortal comes with much unwanted attention when others know you are immortal."

"Only one cure I have found for the lonliness I face as an immortal, and such is in helping others improve themselves as to reduce my unrelatability, an old psychologist named Abraham Maslow called this self-transcendance, thankfully I have ran into a few others in this process who eventually came to find that they to had the genetic anomoly in them that causes immortality."

"After a while, it would seem that all immortals eventually begin to want to be frozen, makes me wonder how many have faked being insane and a threat to others to gain such a treatment."

"It seems that there is indeed a way to kill an immortal, it takes submersion into the heat of the sun though. Now the rate of immortals being frozen has declined, instead there is now a program to launch immortals into the sun when they would want to die."
© Lokeal Votaro