

Ghost's Orphanage
It has been 2 years,still the past incident is freshes in me till now.No matter where we will go,we can't escape from our fate.I can't forget that place,that house,if I want to.
The story started 2 years back when the property papers of NIRVAN MANSION was handed over to me by my grandparents on my birthday.They want me to take further decision regarding the mansion.Without a second thought I decided to shift to that place next day.I was excited but unaware the secret about the mansion.
The mansion has a deep secret that was hidden by the outsiders.In that mansion there were many souls who were lived ,but I don't know how many years.They were funny and were good but for those who were good.
But they never let humans to stay in the mansion.But they didn't know that a human is going to stay in that mansion who has a legally right on it.
When the next day I reached,its all good and lovely environment which I didn't expect.I thought it must be scary like house with burned marks and spider web that will feel like a
haunted house.By then the ghost were aware of my presence.They decided to do something mischievous with me.So that I shall ran from there.I just looking all around the wall ,rooms and everything.I came to hall guided by security.Then I sent him for my luggage.After that I moved to dinning for juice.But when I wanted to take glass,it stuck to the dinning table.I tried to pull it more but when did,the juice fell on my face.Then I rushed to Washroom to clean my face,used towel on my face.But when I saw the towel has ink on it and due to that I had ink on my face.This all done by the ghost.
I started laughing on seeing myself.It
feel like I should awarded for my stupidity.This the big house I was all alone in it and boring.So, I started cooking for me but it burned by the ghost.Whatever I do ,,they will do something so that I get irritated and leave.Like once I was roaming around the pool that is very small also not cleaned and stink.I had a mobile in my hand and walking just then put my feet on sketing and slip into the water.
So there are so many incident happen with me there.All this made me realized that may be my presence didn't like by someone.Still I didn't moved from that place.
2 weeks passed I was there.And the ghost were enjoying my company by troubling me.One early morning I woke up and found myself besides someone.I got terrified and he also.
We both hide,fear each others presence.I thought I was dreaming but its nothing like that.We both move one step ahead towards each other and pass a smile.I amazed that he was a transparent smokey ghost who can't walk like us but fly and invisible from his waist down.He giggled at me.After have a fine intro,I came to know the whole story of the ghost people,oops! I mean dead people.Then with so much pleases I get the permission to talk to them.They just want a house where they will live and fulfill their unfulfill wishes.We all had a very good conversation.We spent all day doing mischievness.In between i already started thinking what should do with this place.So I decided to leave the place,will be better for everyone.I never imagine in my life that someday I will meet any ghost.Then the last day came I was followed by the ghost,they were upset but happy for the mansion.
Just while I opened the door a spider that is attached to the door by thread fell on my nose I got scared and shouted.I understood their prank.I asked is this your style of saying goodbye?We have laughed a lot at that time.
They always be in my memory.I can't forget the pranks,incidents and the mischievness of The Ghost Orphanage.

© Ankita Mishra