

Frozen Hell | 8.1
Why... why her?
Why Kan?
Of course, it was logical. He hated me. until he wants to destroy me.
"Kanomai. You don't deserve to be alive."
I frown
"I will not be disappointed with these words anymore. I exist. This shows that I deserve to live somehow."
became angry.
But it was silent.
Kan... Why? Why do you really hate me so much?!
Kahn's clothes were just like his headband...now I understand where he got it from.
Now I understand the meaning of his hostile look at that time.
Kahn released some cold liquid from his hand, which dripped on the ground.

"Let me tell you what this will do to you... you will die on contact with this due to the excessive cold in your body."
He talked normally, as if he was talking about the weather.

"And after you die, you go to frozen hell."
"Hell...frozen? Wasn't Hell burning?"

A smirk formed on his lips. It was as if he was saying: stupid.
"There are two hells. Frozen hell and burning hell, I won't explain more because..."
He quickly threw the liquid at me. "...I want to start!"
I have to explain that I am terrible at shooting the ball. As a goalkeeper, I dodged the ball every time. Because I am afraid of the ball. I dodged instinctively. He hit the wall, and the wall froze.

I approached him and suddenly grabbed his hand. His eyes widened. "Damn! I don't know how to fight! Do you understand, Kan? Just explain to me!! I don't have much hope in life right now to want to do anything special."

My friends in this world, the yellow eared tiger necklace, my promises... all filled only a small part of the hole inside me.
The hole inside me was too big.

Kahn wanted to pull his hand away but we noticed that our hands are stuck together and sink into each other...and eventually become one hand.

Kahn said, "Damn it! It's because I cut my heart in half!!"
I was shocked.
"What did you do to your heart?!"
"I did it in half to get rid of you in me. That's why we are two now. With two halves of the heart. But as soon as we contact, we will become one again!"

That moment was something we both had in common: I don't want you to be a part of me, you hurt me.

And it was at that moment that Kan brought his hand close to my face and suddenly a fountain of cold liquid was splashed on me...

And everything went black.
© Mehraban.K.T