

Amy Mitchell
Living in a small Subrub of atalanta georgia. Heather drive Decatur atlanta, Chris pounding the door loudly nonstop. Amy mitchell comes to the door she opens her front door. She asks hey chris how can i help you? chris replied well would you amy come with me to the sky zone trampoline park on 1425 Market Blvd Ste 100-A?. Amy replied ok, She grabs her key for her car. Both arrived at the sky zone trampline park, Both walks to ultimate dodgeball trampoline. Chris asks hey amy do you want play ultimate human bronc?, she respond ok amy is on her hands and knees. After chris tied 2 both ropes on her back and her penis, chris is on her back he grabs a hold of the rope with 2 both hands. Chris said fucker,cuntsucker, amy yells shut the fuck up you oh, my fucking god shithole chris!. Chris replied back make me pussy,amy? wait, what the actual fuck?, suck my dick,you bitch, you don't age at all. Look how fucking hot you look!, you don't have a fucking job?. Amy response Yeah. Yeah. I'm tryin be more responsible and shit. Chris remark Okay, that's fucked up. I said you are a fucking horrorible mother with your fucking children. I noticed your mother ruth invited strangers in your house and they are in your bedroom and smashing your lamps teary up your clothes and work papers. Amy asks chris get off my back now dick,dick,dick. amy's eyebrows are lowered, chris replied make me,make me, make me piehole,fucker,suck my dick, bullshit. Amy responded ok fuck it amy is angry, really angry, she is fierce she tries to aggressively bucking, and throwing chris off her back. Amy bounces aggressively and kicks ''hard'' trying to fericely throwing chris off her back. Chris stays on her back like a POSTAGE STAMP.