

I vibrate that's right I vibrate.It started about a year ago I would have this sensation in my body .for the life of me I would reach for my phone.only to realize I dont have my phone in my pocket in fact it is nowhere near me .
I sit and wait for the phone to ring thinking that I had incite to when my phone is about to ring .
No i can't foretell when my will ring.
It started on the side where it heart is , as tine went on it moved to the other side of my chest.
It would vibrate for 5 seconds and go away .this will go on for 5 to 10 minutes.
I am a long time smoker .i am a long time user of drugs .i have high blood pressure., spent most of my 65 years of life in poor health.
The moral if the story is i must get this checked out.
I dont trust
doctors .
I do trust God .by His stripes I am healed..
I have lived longer then I deserve.I have faced death more then the law allow.i have OD more times then I want to mention 14 to be exact.
I been car accident that dam near cost my life , because my potassium was so low they rushed me to the hospital
again my God said no not at this time .
I thank God for all my life good and bad

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