

Importance of ' You '
People say the basic element of love is ' selflessness'. If you are selfless then only you can gain love in society. But after doing all this what we gain is actually much more different from what we thought we would get. If someone loves you then ask them ' will you come with me to heaven when I die? '. Definitely ' No '. Those people will love you, hug you miss you, cry for you but they won't come with you. When you die they will burn you and return home and have dinner. They will miss you and they will cry for you for few days, months, years but they won't come with you to heaven. ' You ' are the only thing in this world who experience love, hatred, anger, guilt etc....All kind of emotions and material things are experienced by you not the other person. When you are hurt always remind yourself that the most important person is always still with you that is 'You'

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