

The Luckiest
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen. on hearing it, john, a kid of age 10, makes his whole attention to the television broadcast. His eye's widened and got terrified. He step outside his house quickly and got his vision towards night sky. suddenly, something got spotted on his sight. An ASTEROID!!!! getting closer towards him leaving behind a trace of light and smoke on its path. As it advances towards him, its light flame increasingly scattered over his face. He screamed of fear. suddenly his body began shaking vigorously and there was a voice coming from nowhere saying " open up your eyes, its 9 in the morning.His conscious said that it was his mothers and he opened the eyes. sunrays spreads over his face through the window nearby. It was all about a dream. He peeked towards outside from his rooms window and made sure that there are no arstreoids. He feels lucky and safe. 😁😇